
1887 天前


“支付时代5.0 以基于区块链的全球支付系统为标志,其中所有价值存储均以数字资产的形式存在。”



修涤:大家下午好!我是猎云财经空中课堂主持人张修涤商务总监,猎云财经是猎云集团下的垂直区块链媒体,拥有多档人气品牌栏目,深度专访文章也备受业界认可,线上、线下活动也定期举办。目前我们猎云财经2019年的重心放在矿圈、交易所生态和DAPP上。接下来有请我们的主讲嘉宾 Enrique。


Please invite the guests to do a self-introduction for the audience。

Enrique:Sure! I’m Enrique, the founder of Zytech Group, an innovative tech startup in California and I am the CEO of the B91 project.


I previously served as the Managing Director for Spitzer Automation, a market leader in Germany and China, and have a wealth of experience in the blockchain and renewable energy industries.

此前,我曾担任斯皮策自动化(Spitzer Automation)的董事总经理,该公司是德国和中国市场的领导者,在区块链和可再生能源行业拥有丰富的经验。




Please invite the guests to briefly introduce B91。

Enrique:B91 aims to be a bridge between the crypto and the real world.


Simply put, we are building a payment ecosystem with a series of DApps, powered by an innovative public chain for truly global, borderless payment.

简而言之,我们正在通过一系列DApps 构建一个支付生态系统。这个生态系统将基于创新的公共链,用于真正的全球、无边界支付。

The B91 wallet app allows users to make payments, earn and invest all in one app conveniently.


B91 public chain system promotes performance-oriented innovation, self-governance, sustainable token economies and low barrier token economy participation.

B91 公链系统促进以绩效为导向的创新、自我治理、低门槛以及可持续的通证经济。


We know that B91's business is relatively rich, which includes global payments. How do our guests understand the 5.0 era of payment systems?

Enrique:The 5.0 era of payments is marked by a global blockchain based payment system in which all stores of value exist in the form of digital assets; to provide a secure, transparent and decentralized yet trusted gateway in enabling transactions for every aspect of our daily life.

支付时代5.0 以基于区块链的全球支付系统为标志,其中所有价值存储均以数字资产的形式存在;提供安全、透明、分散且值得信赖的支付网关,为日常生活的各方面提供交易服务。




What is the advantage of B91's financial public chain compared with other financial public chains?

Enrique:B91’s public chain utilises the Super Node Proof of Stake (SPoS) system which provides incentives and hardware upgrades for Super Nodes, enabling them to continuously improve performance and support larger applications.

B91 的公链采用超级节点权益证明(SPoS) 系统,该系统为超级节点提供激励和硬件升级,使他们能够持续提高性能并支持大型应用。

In this economic model, the minters of the super-node can lease tokens from other token holders (through secondary smart contracts), from which they produce the blocks themselves, get token incentives, and then share them with the token holders.


While we like to say our advantage is our more advanced SPoS blockchain framework that improves upon the problems that it’s predecessors PoW (Proof of Work) and PoS (Proof of Stake) face, our true advantage is far more simple: Our user experience.


Our goal is to make our financial public chain accessible to anyone and everyone, with a strong focus on simplification and ease of use combined with our innovative core technology.




修涤: 我们也知道B91涉及钱包业务,B91的钱包和其他钱包有什么不同之处?

We also know that B91 involves wallet business. What are the differences between B91 wallet and other wallets?

Enrique:The biggest difference from other digital asset wallets is that ours will be very similar in functionality, UI, and features to AliPay or WeChat Pay to encourage users to try out a product that is familiar and simple enough to use.

与其他数字资产钱包最大的不同是,我们的功能、UI 和功能将与支付宝或微信支付非常相似。这可以鼓励用户试用他们熟悉且使用简单的产品。

We will also be launching a highly innovative multi-signature hardware wallet and Visa card that can be used together with the B91 wallet app to offer users more real-world functionality with our suite of services.



We all know that security of the wallet is very important. Some days ago, we heard that the Plustoken Wallet circled the money and ran away, which caused users to suffer from huge losses and once lose confidence in the wallet. So how will B91 avoid this situation?

Enrique:Well, to be frank, Plus Token was a completely centralized private chain, in which the coin had no true value, was not being publicly traded, and was only usable within their wallet.

嗯,Plus Token是一个完全中心化的私人链,其通证没有真正的价值,没有公开交易,也只能在他们的钱包里使用。

B91 token is far more than just a token to be used exclusively within our wallet.


It is powered by a fully decentralized public chain that will be fully open source and will enable any developer to implement our innovative payment technology in their products or services.





What are B91's wealth management products? And what are their returns?

Enrique:B91’s wealth management products are made to be simple to use.


Investors subscribe in B91 tokens and their funds are managed by a third-party professional team to ensure a stable return for our users.


Currently, we are also partnered with various exchanges to offer the staking of B91 tokens to get returns ranging anywhere from 7%-10% with a 30 day lock in period.


We have seen tremendous success and met all of our targets, with over 2,000,000 B91 tokens being staked from our millions of token holders worldwide.

我们取得了巨大的成功,并实现了所有目标,全球数百万代币持有者持有超过两千万个B91 通证。


We learned about the B91's several major business segments according to guests’ introduction. Then which of these business segments is the most important? And how will different business segments create synergies?

Enrique:Our basic three functions are divided into 9 key features, including our

- Universal Wallet, Global Payments, C2C (to make payments),

- P2P Digital Lending and OTC (to bring to the real world),

- Aggregate Trading Fund (to help earn with investments) as well as Tech Venture Fund, Financial Products, and Charity.

我们的3个基本功能分为9 个关键功能,包括我们的

- 通用钱包,全球支付,C2C(支付),

- P2P数字贷款和场外交易(已将数币带到日常生活),

- 综合营运基金(帮助投资者获利)以及科技风险基金、金融产品及慈善基金。

The 4 more important ones are the wallet, the payment system, the P2P lending and our suite of financial products.


While we will have full interoperability and synergy within the ecosystem, these 4 business segments will be the most synergistic and essential to the platform, since our primary focus is to pave the future of the 5.0 payment era and be the payment solution of the future.

尽管我们将在生态系统中拥有全面的互操作性和协同效应,但这4 个业务部门将是平台最具协同效应和必不可少的部分,因为我们的主旨是为支付时代5.0 的未来铺路,并成为未来的支付解决方案。


How does B91 view regulations?

Enrique:We view them as extremely important, but at times also cumbersome with a lot of processes and paperwork to go through.


Regulations can do a lot of good, helping make the market healthy and clean up all of the shady crypto businesses.

法规其实利多于弊,能保持市场健康成长, 并清理所有非法加密业务。

They tend to do more good than bad and through strategic partnerships and working with only the best compliance lawyers in the industry, we aim to be compliant in all jurisdictions in which we plan to operate.





Does B91 plan to go public? If so, what is the plan?

Enrique:Yes, we do. Our plan is quite simple.


Firstly, the credibility and financial support from B91 owners is the backbone that give us the strong foundation and resources our company needs.


Secondly, key elements to ensure that our plan succeeds include partnerships with strategically strong companies that open up many markets and users for us as well as our focus on developing the best-in-class blockchain apps with some of the best brains in Silicon Valley who support our project.


We are also preparing powerful marketing campaigns to build awareness, and on the backend, building strong wealth management products to attract and incentivize token holders.


Our eventual goal is to build an extremely strong user base, with strong market capitalization and valuation, to meet the SPAC listing requirements and apply to be listed by end of 2020.






Community Question1: Can B91 be used offline?

Enrique: offline use. We will have offline, cold storage wallets, but the vast majority of our ecosystem will be online only, as blockchain technology in its essence requires a collective of computers.



Community Question 2:What marketing activities will be suitable?

Enrique: We will have a vast amount of marketing activities, including roadshows, ambassador programs, digital marketing campaigns, airdrops, merchandise giveaways, etc.



Community Question 3:What are the investment institutions of B91?

Enrique: The main investment institutions supporting B91 are A&Z Capital, LMP Finance SA, and BTC123, who are also our primary shareholders. We have successfully raised tens of millions of USD in working capital so far.

支持B91的主要投资机构是A&Z Capital,LMP Finance SA 和 BTC123,他们也是我们的主要股东。到目前为止,我们已经成功筹集了数千万美元的营运资金。


Community Question 4:Does visa card support both legal currency and digital currency? When do you plan to launch Visa card? Is there any geographical requirement for Visa card?

Enrique: Regarding the Visa card, it is not yet ready, as we are finalizing everything with regulations and compliance in the countries we plan to operate in. It will be gradually rolled out in different countries in the coming weeks.
