
1303 天前


Verasity通过其PoV协议,产品层和平台可以大幅提高任何视频平台上的视频发布商的参与度和广告收入。2019年全球(中国境外)的数字广告支出为$ 325B,由于2020年Covid下降,但仍有望在2021年达到$ 389B。保持每年7-10%的高速增长,但是每年有多达40%($ 160B)的广告支出被盗。Verasity凭借其Proof of View在视频货币化方面拥有一项关键专利,不仅可以通过NFT数字收藏品进入广告市场,更可进入更广泛的消费市场。



Nita:Tell us about your background.



RJ Mark:A successful entrepreneur and technologist, I have been developing exciting and high growth potential hardware and software products since 1996 for various platforms including PC/MAC, Android and iOS mobile devices. I have been managing the development and launch of products into known brand names for over 20 years.

 自1996年以来,我一直是成功的企业家和技术专家,一直在为各种平台(包括PC / MAC,Android和iOS移动设备)开发令人兴奋且具有高增长潜力的硬件和软件产品。我管理产品的开发和发布到知名品牌已有20多年了。

I developed cloud services for online video broadcasting with unique streaming qualities including low latency, low buffering and higher quality streaming. I launched a software company providing a new way to broadcast and stream video content online for multi-user platforms whilst reducing costs for bandwidth and infrastructure. This application is utilized for online gaming but can be used for any live or VOD streaming broadcast.


Some of these applications are now also being used in Verasity.



Nita:What is your project exactly and can you tell us more about your vision?



RJ Mark:Verasity’s mission is to significantly increase engagement and advertising revenues for video publishers on any video platform.


How? Through its PoV Protocol, Product Layers & Platforms


● VRA Rewards - Product Layer

● Proprietary Video Player - Product Layer  

● Proprietary Adstack - Product Layer  

● Proof of View (Patent # 10956931) - Protocol Layer

● PoV is the only Protocol Layer Patented technology for the blockchain

● VeraWallet - Product Layer Payment System







Nita:What is the market size of the opportunity?



RJ Mark:Digital advertising spend worldwide (outside of China) was $325B in 2019, fell off due to Covid in 2020 but is still on track to reach $389B in 2021. By 2024, advertising spend will be over $525B. This growth of 7-10% per year includes both desktop and mobile devices.

2019年全球(中国境外)的数字广告支出为$ 325B,由于2020年Covid下降,但仍有望在2021年达到$ 389B。到2024年,广告支出将超过$ 525B。每年7-10%的增长率包括台式机和移动设备。


As much as 40% ($160B) of the ad spend is stolen by ad fraud. Verasity will rectify this problem.

广告欺诈中多达40%($ 160B)的广告支出被盗。通用性将纠正此问题。


Verasity has a key patent in video monetization with Proof of View and can tap into not only the ad market but the broader consumer market through NFT digital collectibles, another quickly growing market.

Verasity凭借其Proof of View在视频货币化方面拥有一项关键专利,不仅可以通过NFT数字收藏品(另一个快速增长的市场)进入广告市场,而且可以进入更广泛的消费市场。


Nita:Do you have any working use cases?



RJ - Esports Platform and Video Publisher owned by Verasity拥有的电子竞技平台和视频发布者


This is Verasity’s most important use case because it combines all of the products into one Esports platform that Verasity owns and controls. The Esports platform has scaled to 8.6m viewers for its tournaments.

这是Verasity最重要的用例,因为它将所有产品组合到Verasity拥有和控制的一个Esports平台中。Esports平台已将其比赛的观众规模扩大到860万。 - Aggregator of Publishers发布者的聚合器

Available SDKs which can be used by any publisher for the following video players: YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo, JWPlayer, Brightcove, VideoJS, Kaltura, FlowPlayer, iVideoSmart and others (90% of all video players in the West). This is now available for over 2 million video publishers struggling to survive on low advertising revenues.


Nita:What are some of the major milestones you guys have hit so far and why are they important?



RJ Mark:Verasity will have completed 90% of its roadmap in this Q1 which can be found at  For more details of the items to be finished please see:

Verasity将在第一季度完成其路线图的90%,可在verasity.io上找到。欲完成的项目的更多详细信息,请参见: verasity-esports-fight-club-56b5d069f29f?source = collection_home --- 4 ------ 10 -----------------------

Verasity has built a number of products to improve publisher’s profitability by 5x utilizing Verasity’s Rewarded Product Layer, Proprietary Video Player, Proprietary ad stack, Proof of View Protocol layer which is patented and as a Product Layer Payment System.


Verasity has its own esports platform which it utilizes to test its products and achieve profitability. As products are tested and put into production they are rolled out as modules for third party publishers to utilize for a license fee paid to Verasity.



Nita:How has your community grown since you first launched?



RJ Mark:Now we have 13 communities in 12 languages with over 102,000 members. We have over 60k twitter followers. is used by over 72,000 users and approximately 9M people have watched our tournaments.



Some more recent statistics from LunarCrush - in the past week



Social Volume +144%

Bullish Sentiment +163%

Social Engagement +100%

Social Contributors +123%

Social Dominance +115%

Twitter Volume +151%

Reddit Volume +323%

AltRank 7 / 2,145

社交量+ 144%

看涨情绪+ 163%

社交参与度+ 100%

社会贡献者+ 123%

社会主导地位+ 115%

Twitter量+ 151%

Reddit交易量+ 323%

AltRank 7 / 2,145


Nita:Can you tell us more about your business model



RJ Mark:Verasity makes B2C revenues from its Esports Fight Club platform through subscriptions, commissions on prize pools, video ad revenues and transaction fees using Verasity products. Verasity will roll out its B2B products later in 2021 with a second revenue stream based on the CPM profitability of video publishers that successfully utilize Verasity technology.

Verasity通过使用Verasity产品进行订阅,奖金池佣金,视频广告收入和交易费用,从其Esports Fight Club平台赚取B2C收入。Verasity将于2021年晚些时候推出其B2B产品,并根据成功利用Verasity技术的视频发布商的CPM获利能力,带来第二个收入来源。


Nita:What are some of the competitors you’ve identified (crypto or non crypto) and how are you different?



RJ Mark:The closest crypto competitor is Theta in the sense that they have a video sharing platform but it's not really our model. They are trying to create a workable decentralized CDN, but so far with little success. Our use case shares some similarities with Theta in that it utilizes a video platform. But comparisons stop there. Our use case is to promote our B2B products and protocol layer to the over 2M video publishers (99% which are non crypto) to solve ad stack and ad fraud issues. With our patented Proof of View technology, we are uniquely positioned to provide a solution that currently does not exist while incorporating a sustainable business model.


And Verasity will tap into other broader consumer markets including NFT digital collectibles to be announced soon.



Nita:What events have impacted the recent price action?



RJ Mark:We recently received a patent on Proof of View (patent #10956931) which is a protocol level layer technology owned by Verasity.


As a result, the $2M MC of VRA has increased 21x to an ATH of $42M and volume across exchanges increased 20X to between $15M-28M on a daily basis. Over the weekend, VRA/USDT pair was 11th rank in volume on KuCoin, ahead of Cardano, XRP, VeChain, Binance Coin, Chiliz and all other alts!

结果,VRA的200万美元MC增长了21倍,至ATH达到4200万美元,而交易所的交易量每天增长20倍,达到1500万至2800万美元之间。 上周末,VRA / USDT对在KuCoin上的交易量排名第11位,领先于Cardano,XRP,VeChain,Binance Coin,Chiliz和其他所有交易!

I am very pleased that our early investors have made a good return on investment. It's a big responsibility to take in investment in a token company and one of the best feelings is seeing everyone make out well.

我很高兴我们的早期投资者取得了良好的投资回报。 在代币公司进行投资是一项重大责任,而最好的感觉之一就是看到每个人都表现出色。

We added the following exchanges as well in the past 30 days:, Bittrex, MXC, & Digifinex. And now Bitribe will be added after this AMA.

在过去30天内,我们还添加了以下交易所,Bittrex,MXC和Digifinex。 现在,Bitribe将在此AMA之后添加。

And 499 & Bitribe are doing active marketing for Verasity in China and Korea as well as expanded our social presence in major markets.



Nita:How do you feel about the industry at the moment and where do you think you fit in?



RJ Mark:We have a remarkable community - the Verasians who have stuck by us through thick and thin. We could not be here without them and communities like this only exist in crypto (Reddit is now copying crypto in its stock groups).

我们有一个了不起的社区-维拉斯人,他们一路走来,一路走来。 没有他们,我们不可能在这里,这样的社区仅存在于加密货币中(Reddit现在正在其股票组中复制加密货币)。

We are very comfortable in the crypto community and found our unique niche with our technology that can be used for the crypto and non crypto video publishers worldwide. We believe in the hybrid platform that can now go out and conquer the world of fiat as well as crypto.
