
1286 天前


Deeper Network的经济设计可以激励用户加入网络以得到挖矿奖励,同时,用户加入网络越多,安全性就越高。这会形成一个正循环,并可以很自然地扩展网络。



Audrey:I'm today's host Audrey,Welcome Eric and Chao ma . It's nice to meet you here!


Eric ma:Hello everyone. I heard there's an AMA here today :)


Audrey:Today we invite @Eric Ma to intro Deeper Network to us!

请跟我们介绍一下的Deeper Network 以及您的个人背景!


Eric ma:当然,Deeper Network于2018年在美国加利福尼亚的硅谷成立。最初是Palo Alto Network的研发主管的首席执行官Russell Liu创立了Deeper Network,其愿景是建立一个更加安全,私有和更公平的互联网。今天,我们的团队遍布全球。我们在美国,加拿大,中国和台湾都有团队。

Sure, Deeper Network was founded in 2018 in Silicon Valley, California USA. CEO Russell Liu who was originally head r&d at Palo Alto Network started Deeper Network with the vision of a more secure, private and fairer internet. Today, our team is distributed around the world. We have teams in USA, Canada, China and Taiwan. 

当前正在开发我们的第六代区块链硬件,该硬件将使人们拥有去中心化的专用网络,企业级安全性,DPR令牌的挖掘,最重要的是,它将成为通往Web 3.0的门户。

And currently developing our 6th generation blockchain hardware which will allow people to have decentralized private network, enterprise grade security, mining of DPR tokens and most importantly, become the gateway to Web 3.0. 

我是Deeper Network的首席营销官,Eric Ma。我以前是CoinMarketCap的核心成员。我在社区发展以及商业伙伴关系中发挥了重要作用。加入Deeper Network后,我立即获得了社区方面的支持,将社区与Deeper Network的公开销售联系起来。对于互联网的未来,Deeper Network有着相同的长期愿景。我们的共同愿景将实现,人们将很快能够在世界任何地方享受免费,安全和私有分散网络审查制度的好处。

I'm the CMO of Deeper Network, Eric Ma. I was previously a core member at CoinMarketCap. I played an instrumental part in community development as well as business partnerships. Upon joining Deeper Network, I immediately supported from the community front in linking up the community with Deeper Network’s public sales. Deeper Network shares the same long term vision for the future of what the internet should look like. Our shared vision shall come to fruition and people will soon be able to enjoy the benefits of censorship free, secure and private decentralized internet anywhere in the world. 

Chao ma:我是小马哥, Deeper Network的CTO. 我2014年接触以太坊以后就对区块链产生浓厚兴趣,并一直跟进行业的进展。2018年的时候决定从机器学习方向转到区块链行业,因此离开亚马逊并加入了Harmony公链项目,担任协议构架师并负责核心代码的开发。2020年加入Deeper Network负责区块链的设计和开发。加入Deeper Network后,我立即构建了活跃的社区,并将社区与Deeper Network的公募连接起来。Deeper Network有着未来互联网的长期愿景。这一共同愿景正在逐步成为现实,人们将很快能够在世界任何地方享受抗审查,安全和隐私保护的分布式网络。Deeper的公司实体位于美国加州的硅谷,非常靠谱的背景。



The construction of the network layer infrastructure in the Web3.0 era is on fire, and many smart minds are working on this track. For example, the ENS domain name on Ethereum, Arweave, focuses on permanent storage, the next-generation P2P storage network IPFS. As an all-in-one Web3.0 network solution, can you introduce the structure of DeeperNetwork and its comparative advantages with the above-mentioned competitors?


Eric ma:Deeper Network由两层结构组成。顶层(第1层)由区块链验证程序组成。底层也称为deeper layer,包含数百万个轻节点,其中大多数是deeper conncets设备。通过使用我们的Proof of Credit(PoC)信用证明设计,它们可以结合在一起成为一个紧密自洽的系统。我们的经济设计可以激励用户加入网络以得到挖矿奖励,同时,用户加入网络越多,安全性就越高。这会形成一个正循环,并可以很自然地扩展网络。


Deeper Networkconsists of a two layer structure. The top layer 1, consists of blockchainvalidators. The bottom layer also called Deeper layer, consists millions oflight nodes, with majority of them, the Deeper Connect devices.

Through using ourProof of Credit consensus algorithm, they couple together to become a closedsystem. Our economic design can incentivize users to join the network to earnblock rewards, and at the same time the more users that join the network,themore secure the network becomes. This forms a positive reinforcement loop andcan grow the network organically.


我们最强的优势之一是我们拥有一支强大的技术团队,例如首席执行官Hui 曾是Palo Alto Network的首席工程师,在企业防火墙和网络方面拥有多年经验。我们从头开始构建了自己的网络操作系统,并且可以在廉价的硬件上运行,同时达到互联网高速和企业级安全性。因此,我们可以从传统世界以及区块链世界中吸引用户。Arweave是一支强大的技术团队,我们在各个方面都强调过这一点,将来我们可能会进行和他们进行合作,从而为用户带来更好的Web 3.0体验。


One of our strengthsas a company lies in our development team. Our CEO Hui (Russel)was chiefengineer at Palo Alto Network and many years of experience on enterprisefirewall and networking. We have built our own network operating system fromscratch and can run on bare minimums hardware while reaching internet highspeed and enterprise level security. That’s efficiency. We can attract usersfrom traditional world as well as the blockchain world.

Arweave has a strongtechnical team and we have emphasized on different aspects of their tech. If afuture collaboration with Arweave could bring benefits to users and bring abetter experience for Web 3.0, then that’s something we just may pursue.


Audrey:在过去的Web2.0时代,带宽的不合理分配和中心化的互联网服务方式造成了网络资源的浪费。Deeper Network引入了DPR代币和经济激励模型来摒除这一弊病,请问DPR代币的价值捕获都来自哪些方面,它将如何让普通用户受益,带来一个更高效的网络?

In the past Web2.0 era, unoptimized bandwidth allocation and centralized Internet service methods caused a waste of network resources. Deeper Network introduced DPR tokens as an economic incentive model to get rid of this shortcoming. What is the value capture of DPR tokens? How will it benefit ordinary users and bring a more efficient network?


Eric ma:DPR是更Deeper Network中的功能性代币。它可以用于支付各种网络服务费用。例如,当客户端设备使用来自其他设备的带宽时,它必须为网络使用量付费。我们将定期更新链上每GB数据的DPR计价市场价格。随着开发和网络发展的推进,在Deeper Connects设备之间将能产生更多的服务。DPR将充当这些服务的gas消耗支出。这样,DPR不仅会像区块链中的任何其他原生代币一样起手续费功能,而且在我们的设备提供的所有服务中也承载着价值。从客户的角度来看,我们将动态调整价格,它会比集中式服务便宜。从服务提供商的角度来看,提供服务的设备将获得区块奖励。随着我们网络的发展,区块奖励可能会轻易超过所提供的服务成本。

DPR token is the utilitytoken in Deeper Chain. It can be used to pay for various kinds of networkservices. For example, when a client’s device uses bandwidth from otherdevices, it has to purchase the extra bandwidth from the other user.In return,users who donate their bandwidth to the network can earn DPR tokens as a miningreward.


We will update ourDPR per GB data on chain periodically to reflect the latest market price. As wefurther develop, more services will become available on Deeper Connect devices.DPR will act as the gas for these services. DPR will plays a major role in allthe services our network provides. From client’s point of view, we will adjustthe price dynamically and it will be cheaper than centralized service. Serviceproviders who provide services will be compensated by our block rewards. As ournetwork grows, the rewards will easily exceed our service discounts. 



There is an impossible triangleof scalability, security, and decentralization in the blockchain. DeeperNetworkhas constructed a new generation of the Internet by combining the advantages ofblockchain, network security, and sharing economy. Then, in the construction of P2P network infrastructure, does DeeperNetwork also have the problem ofbalancing privacy, security, equality, high performance, and other features,and how is it solved?


Eric ma:是的,这是一个很好的问题。我们也面临着同样的困境。首先,安全是我们的首要考虑,没有安全的网络环境,人们将不会选择使用我们的网络。借助我们自己的AtomOS网络系统,我们可以确保用户安全的网络环境并保护用户的隐私。从可扩展性的角度来看,Deeper Connect设备由组成了layer 2。因此,许多活动发生在链下并直接通过P2P进行,从而大大减少了区块链的开销。轻节点(deeper conncets)将减少与区块链的交互。我们可以将许多区块链请求发送给非验证者节点。只有这样,我们的第二层由Deeper Connect设备组成,才能增长到数百万个节点。我们还通过引入PoC信用证明来努力提供公平。简而言之,这种共识与PoS相比,富人更难致富,因为每个人都必须花费时间和精力来积累信用评分。

Yes, It’s a very good question. We also face the same trilemma. With our own lockfree network AtomOS, we can ensure that all users have a secure network whichprotects users’ data & privacy. Scalability occurs mostly on the DeeperConnect devices which are on layer 2.

Much ofthe interactions occur off-chain p2p which greatly reduces the blockchain’sburden. The light node (Deeper Connect) will contact the blockchain lessfrequently. We can put many of the blockchain requests to non-validator nodes.This way our Deeper Connect devices, located in our deeper layer, can scaleinto millions of nodes. We also provide fairness by introducing the Proof ofCredit consensus algorithm. Unlike PoS, where the rich get richer, under thePoC consensus algorithm, everyone get the opportunity accumulate credit scoresand participate in fair mining. 


Audrey:无需许可的特性为区块链带来了极大的可拓展性,但同时也带来了潜在的作恶风险。在中心化的P2P网络设计中,Deeper Network如何保证普通用户的IP不被恶意分子利用,从事不正当的网络活动?


The permission less feature bringsgreats calability to the blockchain, but it also brings potential risks. In thedesign of a decentralized P2P network, how does Deeper Network ensure that theIP of ordinary users is not used by malicious elements to engage in impropernetwork activities?


Eric ma:Deeper强大的网络安全技术将检测法律活动。恶意行为者将在网络上宣布并受到惩罚。这将大大降低此类事件发生的可能性。如果确实发生这种情况,有两种免除用户责任的方法。1.在我们的设计中,用于共享连接的端口和用于用户自己的网络连接的端口是分开的,因此可以轻松区分。2.设备的内部日志将证明用户与它无关。


Deeper’s robustnetwork security technology will detect illegal activities.Malicious actorswill be announced to the network and punished. This will greatly reduce theprobability of such events from happening. If such fringe cases do occur and inorder prove your non-involvement the port used for shared connection and theport used for your own internet connection can be unplugged.In addition, thedevice’s internal logs will provide proof that you were not involved in anymalicious acts.




Users can decide howto share according to local laws and regulations. U.S. users can choose toprohibit sharing of BT download requests. Hong Kong users can ban Twitter andFacebook sharing requests. Hong Kong users can prohibit sharing requests fromthe mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. For absolute security, users can choose toshare only safe traffic or choose not to share any traffic at all.


Audrey:头矿的投资回报是最诱人的,请问DeeperNetwork目前在世界、特别是中国的节点铺设情况大致是什么样的?您对个人、企业、专业矿工等不同群体推荐通过哪种Deeper Connect设备进行挖矿和节点配置?

Early yield and mining are the most profitable. What is the current status of Deeper Network's node deployment in the world, especially in China? Which Deeper Connect gig do you recommend for individuals, companies, professional miners, and other groups for mining and node deployments?


Eric ma:Deeper在世界上80个国家都有节点,中国目前有上千个节点。对于不同的矿工群体,我们都推荐Deeper Connect Mini来进行挖矿,因为它的配置最高,散热空间大,稳定性好。

Deeper Network hasnodes deployed over 80+ countries in the world. In China,currently, there arethousands of nodes. For different groups of miners, we all recommend DeeperConnect Mini for mining, because it has the highest configuration, large heatdissipation space, and good stability.


Audrey:我们看到Deeper Network得到了包括Parity在内的众多资本的青睐,同时也将在Poolz、Paid等众多IDO平台上开启IDO募资,能否介绍下为什么选择IDO这样的募资模式,对于Deeper Network的启动有怎样的意义?


We see that Deeper Network has beenbacked by many famous capitals including Parity, and will also start an IDO onplatforms such as Poolz, Paid, etc. Can you explain why you choose IDO as sucha fund raising model? How will IDO help with the initialization of DeeperNetwork?


Eric ma:我们选择全球几个平台上同时IDO是做了精确的统计和分析,这样是为了涵盖全球市场的marketing, 让更多的币圈用户看到Deeper 这样一个技术扎实的项目将要实现一个怎样的去中心化通信网络的愿景。很多朋友在参与IDO抱怨有时差或者不能有各种各样的限制,我们希望为信仰Deeper 的用户提供最大化的便利条件激励更多的节点参与到我们的网络中来.


We strategicallychoose to do IDOs on several platforms because it’s a marketing strategy whichallows us to reach specific communities within each of these communities. Wewant our technology to reach more blockchain users so they can see how aproject like Deeper Network will achieve the vision of a truly decentralizationinternet. Having more IDO platforms will allow allow more of our community totake part in the public sale of the DPR. You will no longer have to be limitedto one. Please check out our public sales landing page to participate!