
1281 天前

摘 要


毕彤彤:首先请允许我介绍下今晚的分享嘉宾:作为Deeper Network的首席营销官,Eric将新产品和创新视为推动区块链行业的关键驱动力。随着对技术的需求不断增长,再加上Deeper Network的人才,Eric将帮助带领公司迈向新的高度,并在未来的几年中取得新的里程碑。此前,他是CoinMarketCap的核心成员,他在为CoinMarketCap寻求战略合作伙伴关系方面发挥了关键作用。

Eric ma:大家好Hello everyone :),Very happy to be here with so many VIPs。

毕彤彤:Welcome again!此外,我也简单介绍下我们,PANews是区块链、金融科技领域的智库型媒体,文章与报告被福布斯、21世纪经济报道等媒体引用,荣获腾讯数据新闻奖、澎湃新闻优秀专栏,是美国知名区块链媒体The Block的亚洲授权发布方。我和另一位联合创始人Alyssa Tsai一同入选了2020福布斯亚洲30 Under 30榜单。

@Eric Ma Could you give us a brief introduction on yourself and Deeper?正式开对话前请嘉宾自我介绍下并简单介绍一下Deeper Network。

Eric ma:Sure,I used to be a core member at CMC and joined Deeper as CMO. I've been in the blockchain industry for about 5 years now and have seen so much growth in the space that it feels like 50 years.

我曾经是CMC的核心成员,后来加入Deeper担任CMO。我在区块链行业已经有 5 年的时间了,我看到了这个领域的巨大发展,感觉就像 50 年一样。

Deeper Network was founded in 2018 and based in Silicon Valley California. Our founder and CEO Russell Liu used to work at Intel and Palo Alto Networks heading up their cyber security development.

DeeperNetwork成立于2018年,总部位于加州硅谷。我们的创始人兼首席执行官RussellLiu曾在英特尔和Palo Alto Networks工作,负责他们的网络安全发展。

Other key leaders within our organization include our co-founder Cheryl Liu who was the CEO of her own blockchain consultancy which helps projects like QTUM and Tron develop into what they have become today.

我们组织内的其他关键领导人包括我们的联合创始人Cheryl Liu,她是自己的区块链咨询公司的 CEO ,帮助像 QTUM 和 Tron 这样的项目发展成为今天的样子。

Our CTO Chao Ma, who unfortunately couldn?imageView2/3/w/750/h/1/q/100|imageslim">

我们的首席技术官Chao Ma,很不幸他今晚不能出席,因为他正在处理我们DPR上线的事情。他以前在亚马逊的人工智能部门工作,后来进入区块链,担任Harmoney协议的主要架构师。公司在加州、加拿大、中国大陆、台湾拥有30名员工。

毕彤彤:Thanks for the introduction,Next, it's time for the Q&A!


Web3.0的概念对多数人而言还很模糊,它最主要的特征和变化是什么,Deeper会在其中扮 演什么角色、起什么样的作用?

The concept of Web3.0 is still very vague to most people. What are its main features? What role will Deeper play in Web 3.0 world?

Eric ma:Well, we are all familiar with Web 1.0, when the internet first started with static pages and to be able to find a website, you had to know it's web address. (some might be too young to remember) LOL

我们都熟悉 Web 1.0,当互联网刚开始使用静态页面时,要想找到一个网站,你必须知道它的网址。(有些人可能太小,记不清了)哈哈。

then we quickly grew out of Web 1.0 and started into Web 2.0, which is what we are most familiar with currently. Hyperlinked websites created a web of different pages and layer of info.


With Web 2.0 also created the conglomerates of Google, Amazon (AWS) and other centralized powers which control much of the internet.

随着 Web 2.0也创造了谷歌,亚马逊( AWS )和其他控制大部分互联网的中央集权。

We are now starting to grown out of Web 2.0 and moving into the new generation of the internet, which is Web 3.0. So what is is Web 3.0?


Web 3.0 is basically a smarter internet where users and machines will be able to interact with data. Many also called it the Semantic Web.


Websites and apps will be able to process information in a smart human-like way through technologies like machine learning (ML), Big Data.

网站和应用程序将能够通过机器学习( ML )、大数据等技术,以类似人类的智能方式处理信息。

But most importantly, Web 3.0 moves the internet into the decentralized world where conglomerates will no longer be able to control the internet.

但最重要的是, Web 3.0将互联网带入了一个去中心化的世界,在那里,大企业将不再能够控制互联网。

Deeper Network, built on Polkadot, will be the gateway for users into the Web 3.0 ecosystem.

建立在波卡上的Deeper Network将成为用户进入Web3.0生态系统的门户。

Besides our awesome features such as Decentralized VPN, Enterprise grade security which is all fuctional and selling like crazy on Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/world-s-1st-decentralized-vpn-firewall-for-life#/

除了我们的强大功能,如去中心化 VPN ,企业级安全,这是所有功能和销售在 Indiegogo 上疯狂:https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/world-s-1st-decentralized-vpn-firewall-for-life#/

The Deeper Connect also offers users the ability to access DeFi products, DApps ecosystems, NFT ecosystems, decentralized e-commerce, e-services.

Deeper Connect 还为用户提供访问 DeFi 产品、 DApps 生态系统、 NFT 生态系统,去中心化电子商务、电子服务的能力。

In addition, the Deeper Connect has the ability to mine DPR tokens using our Proof of Credit algorithem where users share their unused bandwidth to the network and earn DPR in return.

此外Deeper Connect还拥有挖掘DPR使用我们的信用证明算法的代币,其中用户共享他们未使用的带宽到网络,并赚取DPR作为回报。

DPR will be at the heart of the Deeper Chain. Used as incentivization for miners and users, who will make the network more robust. DPR will also be the currency of the ecosystem and beyond as we bridge across to other ecosystems through Polkadot's interoperability.

DPR将是Deeper链的核心。作为激励矿工和用户的手段促使网络更加强大。当我们通过 Polkadot 的互操作性跨越到其他生态系统时, DPR 也将成为生态系统的货币。

毕彤彤:Really nice!looks cool, already raised $9,371,956 HKD by 4,146 backers.

Eric ma:Yes, we broke records and are the most successful Blockchain product ever on Indiegogo!

毕彤彤:next question: Web3.0会在什么时候实现?它需要什么样的前提条件和基础?

In your opinion, how long need we to go to achieve the web3.0? What kind of prerequisites and foundations does it need?

Eric ma:It'll be a process like with anything. The change will be gradual but the impact will be felt.


How long did Web 2.0 take to build? Probably 5-10 years for it to develop into what we are familiar with. Then different renditions and improvements of it another 5-10 years.


So comparatively, I know for a fact that we will start experiencing web 3.0 in less than 2 years as our Deeper mainnet will be launching in Q3 of this year.

相较之下,我只知道一个事实,我们从开始接触 Web 3.0到现在还不到 2 年的时间,而我们的 Deeper 主机就将在今年第三季度推出。

And as the gateway into Web 3.0, and having won the grant from the Web3 foundation building infrastructure for Polkadot, we will be developing the foundations of Web 3.0.

作为进入 Web 3.0的网关,并且已经获得了来自 Web 3 基础架构 Polkadot 的拨款,我们将开发 Web 3.0基础架构。

The initial development will be the building of the substrate technology and foundation of web 3.0 before our Deeper ecosystem starts to become available. It's difficult to give an exact timeline, but I suspect we will be moving faster towards Web 3.0 then we did for Web 2.0.

在我们的 Deeper 生态系统开始可用之前,最初的开发将是构建底层技术和 web 3.0的基础。很难给出一个确切的时间表,但我相信相较于Web2.0我们在Web3.0上的推进速度会更快。

毕彤彤:looking forward to the mainnet in Q3 ,期待第三季度的主网上线。


What problems in our online life will Deeper Network solve by building the decentralized Internet? How does deeper ensure the speed and stability of the network?

Eric ma:We have solutions for 3 major problems that we face today:


1) Censorship: As you guys just saw first hand how you were blocked from viewing the Bloomberg article, Deeper Connect is a decentralized VPN (DPN) which will tunnel through any firewall which will try to censor what you see.

1 )审查:正如你们刚才亲眼所见的那样, Deeper Connect 是一个去中心化的 VPN ( DPN ),它可以穿越任何试图审查你所看到的内容的防火墙。

For those of you who do not know the difference between centralized VPN and decentralized DPN, see this graphic:


The image on the left is a centralized VPN structure where there is one centralize point of weakness. If that point goes down, everything goes down. If that point decides to shut down, everything does down. If that point, decides to shut a group of people down, they can.


Centralized VPNs also run into the problem of logging user data which can be saved on their servers. So you are not truly unknown and your IP can be logged.


The image on the right is a decentralized private network (DPN) which allows each user to become a node. No one point of weakness in this structure. If one node goes down, the network continues to work.


Also with a DPN like the Deeper Connect, you are both a client and a server. No data ever leaves your network.

同样使用DPN,如Deeper Connect,你既是客户机,也是服务器,没有数据会离开你的网络。

VPNs = montly fees, unreliable connection and internet slowdowns,Our DPN = Lifetime with no fees, strong more reliable connection with more nodes added with each unit sold, internet becomes more efficient.

VPN=每月收费、连接不可靠和网速减慢我们的 DPN =终身免费,强大的更可靠的连接与更多的节点增加与每单位出售,互联网变得更有效。

Solution #2: Security and Privacy


Our Deeper Connect has a 7 layer fire-wall which will protect your entire network including IoT devices and anything connected to wifi.

我们的Deeper Connect有一个 7 层防火墙,将保护您的整个网络,包括物联网设备和任何连接到 wifi 的设备。

with many more people working from home and more people owning cryptocurrencies, our security and privacy is more important than ever.


Deeper Connect with block all trackers, viruses, malware, and malicious attacks. The device is plug and play, with zero configuration.


Our interface also includes tools such as parental control or the ability to block particular websites to protect your family.


Through our AtomOS interface, users can easily block ads as well. They can see all the data and happenings on their network. We focused our product to be easy to use because our goal is to let every household in the world to have one.


Currently, we have over 10,000+ nodes in over 80 countries. By the end of the 2021, we project we will have over 100,000+ nodesAnd into 2023, millions of nodes.


It's rare in the blockchain space to have such a developed product. Our Deeper Connect has 5 generations of models and our 6th generation model the Deeper Connect Pico will be coming out at the end of the year. It's the size of your thumb and you can bring it anywhere with you for 24/7 protection and DPN access!We are currently scaling our manufacturing in Shenzen. And we?imageView2/3/w/750/h/1/q/100|imageslim">

在区块链领域,能有如此壮大的产品线是罕见的。DeepConnect已经有5代产品问世,最新的6代产品Deeper Connect Pico将在今年年底推出。它的大小如你的拇指,它可以给你随时随地的保护和DPN访问!我们目前正在深圳扩大生产规模。我们还扩大了在香港和美国的配送中心。

Solution 3: Decentralize the Internet


With our Web 3.0 vision, we will make the internet more secure, private and fairer for everyone.No longer can we be blocked or shutdown. We will have access to all information on the internet which will not only be more decentralized but smarter and more useful in ways you don't even know yet.


毕彤彤:So detailed introduction!we'd like to learn more about Deeper.


The key to the operation of a decentralized network is consensus, incentive mechanisms and increasing the cost of evil. How did Deeper design these mechanisms? What can users get in it?

Eric ma:This question is more suitable for our CTO Chao, who can't be here tonight. But I can design a higher level response to this question.


The way our blockchain work is that we have 2 layers. The top layer is full of validators.


The bottom layer are thousand and eventually, millions of light nodes which are our Deeper Connect units.


The communication and consensus between layer 1 and layer 2 allows for micropayments and mining for instance.


Our mining incentive which 60% of our allocation is reserved for, will take 50 years to mine.


Under the Proof of Credit algorithm, users mine by donating their unused bandwidth to the network and other users will buy that extra bandwidth (at a very low cost) to improve their internet using DPR. Contributing to the network earns users credit scores. Each users credit score can range from 0-800 just like in the USA's credit score.


When users want to mine DPR, they must stake their credit score in order to mine. We believe this is a fairer way to mine as opposed to Proof of Stake where the rich get richer.


Our testnet currently allowed users to beta and mine DPR which many doing. Those DPRs will be paid in ratio for their beta testing. So if you have a Deeper Connect unit, you can try it out! The Deeper Connect only uses 15 watts of power by the way. That's less than 1% of an asics miner.



What is the purpose of IDO, since we can collect DPR tokens through mining? And how to participate in mining and IDO?

Eric ma:We did IDOs on PAID Igntion and Poolz yesterday. So those sales are completed! Each platform sold out in minutes.We also had done a sale on Flybit for the Korean Community and that sale sold out in seconds.

我们昨天在PAID Ignition和Poolz上做了身份认证。这样那些销售就完成了!各个平台分分钟售罄。我们还为韩国社区做了一次Flybit的销售,销售在几秒钟内就售罄。

Now, there's obviously a big demand for DPR tokens. I just want to warn that there are exchanges out there which are selling IOUs (I owe you) of DPR tokens on their platform at 20x the price our public sale prices. Please don't buy them because they don't have any DPR tokens. It's almost a scam and you might get nothing in the end.


Our next sale is Tokensoft on Apr 8. Then we launch on Uniswap on Apr 10 @ midnight UTC+0,After that, we are looking to list on tier one CEX.



Eric ma:I spoke about mining already, but just want to add that you don't have to be a crazy smart computer geek to mine DPR tokens. You just plug it in and check the box that you want to mine DPR, and you will share unused bandwidth to the network and start mining DPR tokens which will be deposited onto your device wallet.


毕彤彤:Thanks much Eric! These are all my question, I'll give stage to other media friends.接下来有请我们的天使观察团.

Eric ma:Thank you so much!

毕彤彤:非常感谢Eric Ma老师的分享,我代表社群提出大家关心的问题:


Thanks a lot for Eric Ma's sharing. On behalf of the community, I would like to take some questions:

What is the relationship between the decentralized infrastructure such as Deeper and Web3.0? Is Deeper a must for web3.0 ? How much market demand does Deeper have?

Eric ma:Deeper's DPN is a feature which allow people to fight censorship. You will no longer be blocked from viewing or accessing any websites or videos for example. Web 3.0 is something much bigger. We're talking about the entire internet and it being decentralized, so don't get confused with the two. Both can exist and both can help you. Do know that DPN will continue to work in the Web 2.0 world and much of Web 3.0 will be decentralized. The demand for Deeper Connects are very high and we are trying to keep up with our supply. But there is a currently wait period of 1-2 months from your time of order to before you receive your unit.



What is the relationship between these decentralized infrastructures of Deeper and popular blockchain applications such as DeFi and NFT? Does Deeper have its own application plan?

Eric ma:Our Web 3.0 ecosystem will include stores and ecosystems for DeFi products and NFTs. As a matter of fact, it will include even more than that. DApps stores, e-commerce and e-services. We plan to have our Android and iOS app released by the end of the year and definitely plan to have our own DApp in the future!



What are the similarities and differences between China and the United States in terms of the direction and method of blockchain ecological development?

Eric ma:Great question. In my opinion, the difference between the two governments in terms of direction and method of blockchain, China is ahead. The government of China has written blockchain into its national plan and it's amazing how much energy China has put in, in terms of resources and development. USA on the otherhand is trying to find ways to regulate blockchain rather than embrace it.

