
1667 天前

3月20日,波场TRON创始人孙宇晨Justin Sun做客Bitribe韩国kakao社群,中韩英10万人在线观看同步直播,现场气氛火爆,Tron& Bitribe 线上嘉年华期间,“孙宇晨”搜索指数在韩国最大搜索引擎naver上上涨了20倍。为波场和Bitribe合作的韩国生态打下坚实基础。


Sky:Hi Justin, how have you been? Is Tron still running good during this sensitive period of Corona Virus?


孙宇晨:We have been looking closely at the coronavirus outbreak. Our employees were required to maintain good personal hygiene and disinfection from the very beginning of the outbreak. Dubbed as the “Sun-Never-Set Team”, TRON has a set of global offices located in every continent of the world, including America, Europe, Asia, etc. Thanks to this, we have employees carry out work 7/24 uninterruptedly. Everything is going on track.

我们对新型冠状病毒也是比较关注的,第一时间我们就通知了员工做好防护和消毒工作。波场TRON现在早已实现全球分布式办公,而且我们号称是“日不落团队”,7 x 24小时都有员工在工作,我们在美洲、欧洲、亚洲等全世界,各个大洲都有我们的员工,各地的员工都在有条不紊的工作中,目前还是比较顺利的。

Sky:Have you and Tron?imageView2/3/w/750/h/1/q/100|imageslim">


孙宇晨:With social responsibility deeply embedded in our corporate value, TRON is deeply concerned about the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. Its global community Tronics has been proactively making donations to help Wuhan people combat the virus. As early as on January 30, Tronics and TRON ecosystem partners including BitTorrent, Poloniex, DLive and WINk have sent dozens of boxes of N95 masks, eye protectors, gowns and other medical supplies to Wuhan as the first donation of the epicenter rescue initiative to help protect medical staff on the front line.


Blockchain will be a strong aide to charity as it is decentralized, open, transparent and traceable enough to address the problems that are plaguing charity today. We believe blockchain technology will make charity better.


Sky:We all know you have always compared ETH and Tron, so could you please compare both in users and ecosystem?


孙宇晨:TRON has been growing at a fast pace. It is one of the top three public chains worldwide and many believe it is also the No.1 blockchain in China. Though older than TRON, Ethereum is a standalone ecosystem. TRON, on the other hand, has integrated the world’s largest decentralized ecosystem BitTorrent along with a great many interlinked products, such as a scalable decentralized storage system BTFS, the largest media live-streaming blockchain community DLive and BitTorrent Speed, which integrates the BTT token economy. These have all contributed to TRON’s strong user base, opening a new blockchain-backed economy to people all across the world. I think it’s fair to say that TRON is a leading ecosystem of our time, and we are doing a better job than Ethereum in both growing our user base and building the ecosystem.

波场TRON的发展速度是非常快的,已经成为全球前三的公链了,甚至很多人还称波场TRON为国产第一区块链。以太坊虽然比我们诞生的早,但以太坊区块链生态却属于单打独斗,而波场TRON却集合了BitTorrent这个全球最大的去中心化生态,生态产品也已经相当丰富,包括第一个可扩展的去中心化存储系统BTFS,融入了BTT代币经济的BitTorrent Speed,区块链上最大的实时媒体直播社区DLive等,这些都让波场TRON拥有强大的用户基础,让全球用户都可以体验到融入区块链技术的新经济,可以说,波场TRON生态已经走在了时代的最前端。所以无论是用户还是生态,我们确实都走在了以太坊的前面。

Sky:What kind of Dapps and ecosystem players in Korea will be Tron, BTT, and WINK's preferred partners? Do you have any reward program for them?


孙宇晨:In this regard, TRON has always been an inclusive and diverse company. We have partnered with multiple projects before, including DLive, who joined us last December and has successfully completed its integration into uTorrent Client in less than four months. Now users can easily access it via uTorrent.


For us, the originality of a DApp matters the most. An ideal partner would be the top player in its niche market who can also grow in synergy with TRON’s major businesses. TRON will spare no effort to back any project that’s qualified enough with its well-rounded ecosystem to jointly promote the growth of blockchain.


Sky:About BTT's plan in 2020, do you have any big news to share with us?


孙宇晨:It’s been over a year since the birth of BTT, and we are amazed at the power it has unleashed. For instance, BTT has become the major incentive powering the decentralized BTFS network. Users can gain rewards while using the product, which to them is a pleasant surprise; BTT is also the major token on DLive, where BTT holders can receive a share of DLive’s live-streaming revenue and audiences can tip their favorite streamers; Users can also create BTT wallets on BitTorrent Speed simply with a few steps to feel the charm of BTT token economy.

BTT已经诞生一年多了,但其所释放的能量是超乎我我们想象的。比如BTT代币已经成为去中心化存储BTFS网络的主要激励措施,用户在使用的过程中就会惊喜的发现自己还能有收益,这种感觉是非常棒的;还有DLive,DLive直播分成将还给BTT持有人,用户还可以用BTT对主播打赏,BTT将成为DLive主要平台币;而BitTorrent Speed已经支持创建BTT钱包功能,几步简单操作就可以让用户直接体验BTT代币经济的魅力。

In 2020, BTT will continue to invigorate the BitTorrent ecosystem by allowing users to gain BTT rewards without knowing, thus attracting more incomers into the realm of blockchain to further enhance and perfect the BitTorrent ecosystem.


Sky:This time Tron chose to partner with Bitribe to build a larger ecosystem in Korea, could you share more about Tron family's big plans building Korea community?


孙宇晨:Korea accounts for nearly 10% of all crypto users worldwide and boasts the world’s top 3 real trading volume. All of these point to the great potential of the Korean blockchain market. TRON is an international blockchain project that looks to partner with global quality projects. Moving forward, we will have more discussions with Bitribe to co-build a Korean community that best caters to Korean users. Please stay tuned.

在全世界加密货币用户中,韩国占据近 10% 的用户群体,韩国的真实交易量也是排在全球Top3,这足以说明韩国的区块链市场很有潜力。波场TRON本身就是一个国际化的区块链项目,我们愿意跟世界各地的优秀项目展开合作,之后我们会跟Bitribe做更多的交流和探讨,共同建立更适合韩国用户的韩国社区,大家敬请期待。

Sky:You had been through halving twice since you got to crypto. How about the third time? Could you give Korean investors here some suggestions for their personal life and the following economic cycles ?


孙宇晨:I’ll put it this way: My belief in bitcoin evolved and matured with time. For someone like me, who believes in libertarianism, bitcoin is an ultimate end in itself. So I’m certain that the value of bitcoin is now way underrated. It will be a great investment in the long run, but that doesn’t mean now we should go bottom fishing in a rush. Given the unpredictable systematic risks and public panic, I would suggest bottom fishers invest with funds that they wouldn’t be drawing on within at least a year from now.


Sky:In 2020, do you think the global ranking for top projects' market value will be changed? What is the expected ranking of Tron this year?


孙宇晨:If you’ve been following us closely, you will notice that last month TRON ranked second globally and first nationally on CCID’s 16th Global Public Blockchain Technology Index last month. It’s worth noting that TRON boasts a total of 721 DApps now. Added to that, developers are coming in a flow to develop projects on TRON’s blockchain, and that we have established collaboration with Samsung. We’ve never slowed down in advancing. Our goal has always been the top.


Sky: I'm told you are a marketing genius, do you have some particular marketing events to launch in Korea?


孙宇晨:Actually, we have been running our TRON Korean community since long ago, and everyone is welcome to join our Korean Telegram at https://t.me/tronnetworkKR to keep up to date with TRON. In the future, we will launch a series of interesting campaigns for our users. Please stay tuned!

我们其实一直都有自己的韩国社区,大家可以进我们官方的韩国Telegram群https://t.me/tronnetworkKR ,关于波场TRON的动态都会及时在这个群里发布。后续我们也会推出不错的活动来让大家参与的,大家可以耐心等待。

Sky:In last niTron conference in San Francisco, you had an inspiring talk with Kobe Bryant, could you share with us some memorable moments between you and Kobe? Hope these moments will inspire all of us.


孙宇晨:It was my greatest honor ever to have Bryant at our 2019 niTROn Summit, and it’s an absolute blessing for me to discuss blockchain with him. On the summit, we touched on many topics including team building, dreams, careers, innovation and our missions etc., among which our discussion on entrepreneurship impressed me the most. Kobe expressed that having the courage to move away from basketball and blaze an entirely different trail was the greatest challenge for him.

能邀请科比先生出席波场2019 niTROn大会是我人生中最荣耀的时刻,与科比先生探讨区块链是我个人最大的荣幸。我们在会上围绕团队建设、事业梦想、创造与使命等话题做出了讨论,但最让我印象深刻的应该是科比说到创业,科比表示离开篮球进行新的创业,最大的挑战是鼓起勇气,开辟新的天地。

I can relate myself to that. I had worked on several other startup projects like Peiwo APP before I founded TRON. Despite the fact that TRON is already a three-year old project, there is never a moment that I don’t feel like me and our team are still at a startup stage, where new challenges keep rising. I think this is also the unique charm of the blockchain industry. I hope to carry the courage bestowed by Kobe and keep ploughing in the blockchain sector and exploring its future.
