1340 天前


本期做客直播间的嘉宾是来自SAND联合创始人兼运营总监Sebastien Borget,跟着他一起来了解NFT明星项目——The Sandbox。错过直播的小伙伴一起跟着xt君来回顾一下此次直播主题AMA吧!


Hi, everyone! Welcome to the XT AMA Channel. I'm Jun, CBO at XT.com. I am hosting today's AMA with SAND. Let me give a brief introduction to XT.


XT.com is the world's first real-time social trading platform with 0% leverage interest. The XT ecosystem has over 6 million global users and with a daily transaction volume close to $5 billion. The platform has real-time indicators and tools that bring the best trading atmosphere for all users.


XT exchange's innovative social model empowers the blockchain industry through newly developed social trading avenues, which were once not possible. XT has achieved this through a combined effort with our partners, such as Bananatok.


Today, our guest is Sebastien Borget, Co-founder & COO. Let's talk to them to learn about the SAND Project.


Hello Sebastien Borget, thank you for joining us for the XT and SAND AMA!


大家好,欢迎大家来到XT AMA直播间。我是今天的主持人XT商务总监Jun。我先简单介绍一下XT吧。




XT交易所社交化创新模式对区块链行业的赋能,同时社交化创新模式引领行业未来发展的新方向。而这一切都是XT 与合作伙伴Bananatok合力打造而取得的成就。


今天,我们的嘉宾是SAND联合创始人兼运营总监Sebastien Borget。让我们跟随他们,深入了解SAND吧。


你好,Sebastien Borget!非常感谢你参与这次直播!



Hello, my name is Sébastien Borget, I am the COO, co-founder of The Sandbox (http://sandbox.game). I am also the president of the Blockchain Game Alliance, a non-profit organization with 150+ members from the blockchain & gaming industry. I am an advocate for #NFTs & blockchain in games. Nice to meet you all!


大家好!我是 Sebastien Borget, 沙盒 The Sandbox 的联合创始人兼 COO。沙盒游戏 The Sandbox 是一个去中心化的游戏平台 (http://sandbox.game)。另外,我是非盈利机构“区块链游戏联盟”的总裁,我们集结了来自区块链和游戏行业的150多名成员。我也是游戏 #NFTs(不可替代的代币)和区块链游戏的倡导者。很高兴能认识大家!



We all know that the SAND token is the underlying token of the Sandbox platform. Could you introduce Sandbox platform to us firstly?





The Sandbox is a virtual world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences in the Ethereum blockchain using NFTs and $SAND, the platform’s utility token.


It was first announced in August 2018 in Shanghai at ChinaJoy conference, where I was main speaker on stage. This new 3D version is a sequel of our existing mobile game The Sandbox Evolution which has had over 40M installs in total on iOS and Android.


We are combining user-generated content (UGC) with NFTs, enabling anyone to make its own NFTs using VoxEdit (our 3D Editor). Then you can own, trade and monetize these NFTs as you want.You can get an overview of NFTs made by Creators here: https://www.sandbox.game/en/shop/


In the coming year, our experienced and dedicated team will build an unique way to play in a virtual world where you can play, create, collect, earn, govern, and own anything in the game.


Enter a virtual world where you can build, own and monetize games, next to gaming giants Atari, Square Enix and more!


The Sandbox metaverse invites players and creators to

- Make NFTs with VoxEdit #Voxels

- Sell and Trade them on our #Marketplace

- Create fun games with our #GameMaker

- Play, Stake & Earn $SAND #Crypto

- Play & Create with huge IPs and Brands


We are thrilled to see the demand for $SAND and also want to confirm our long term vision on buliding a gaming metaverse. We have great achievements, fantastic team, partners, ips and more. You'll learn more about it today!


Whitepaper: http://www.sandbox.game/The_Sandbox_Whitepaper_2020.pdf

Litepaper/One Pager: http://www.sandbox.game/The_Sandbox_One_Pager_2020.pdf


游戏《沙盒》The Sandbox 是一个虚拟世界,玩家可以使用平台的效用代币 NFTs 和 $SAND 在以太坊区块链中创建、拥有自己的游戏,并从中获利。


2018年8月我们在 ChinaJoy 会展中首次公布,当时我是讲台上的主讲者。这个新的3D版本是我们现有的手机游戏《沙盒进化》The Sandbox Evolution 的后续,该游戏在 iOS 和 安卓的安装总数已超过4,000万。


我们将用户生成的内容(UGC)与 NFT 结合起来,使任何人都可以使用我们的3D编辑器VoxEdit来制作自己的 NFT。然后,您可以根据需要获取、交易这些 NFT 并从中获利。您可以在此查看创作者制作的 NFT 概览:https://www.sandbox.game/en/shop/




在虚拟世界中,您可以创建、拥有自己的游戏世界并从中获利,还能和游戏巨头 Atari,Square Enix等”做邻居”!


The Sandbox 虚拟世界邀请各位玩家和创作者参与以下活动:

●  使用 VoxEdit #Voxels 进行 NFTs的制作;

●  在我们的 #Marketplace 进行销售和交易;

●  用我们的 #GameMaker 创建有趣的游戏;

●  玩游戏、押注和赚取 $SAND #Crypto;

●  用大量 IP和品牌玩游戏、进行创作。








简易版白皮书 / 精简的重点报告 :




What is SAND used for on the Sandbox platform? Can you give our community a brief introduction behind the inspiration to build SAND? Why is it needed.





$SAND will enable players to create, play, own, govern, trade and earn within The Sandbox virtual world gaming platform. It is the ERC-20 token that will be used all across The Sandbox metaverse.


$SAND tokens have the following utility on The Sandbox platform:


1/ Medium of exchange: Players can potentially collect SAND through gameplay, and subsequently spend $SAND to play games, purchase equipment, or customize Avatar characters. Creators can spend SAND to acquire ASSETS and LAND. Artists can spend SAND to upload ASSETS to the Marketplace and buy GEMs for defining item rarity.


2/ Governance: $SAND allows holders to participate in governance decisions. SAND owners can vote themselves or delegate voting rights to other players of their choice.


3/ Staking: Users can stake $SAND tokens to earn rewards, as well as GEMs and CATALYSTs for ASSETS creation.


Our LAND token is a piece of digitale real estate within The Sandbox metaverse. There is a limited number of LANDS, 166,464 in total, each with a unique location. Players can own, create and publish game experiences on their LAND. The game can be accessed through a virtual map where the locations of LANDs and proximity to larger Estates and key positions will play a role in the gameplay, economy and visibility of games. LAND is a primary way to access monetization on the platform. The Sandbox endeavors to build an ecosystem where interests are aligned between all the users—players, creators, land owners, curators, $SAND investors, etc.—who contribute to it. You can read more about our LAND token via this article: https://bit.ly/3jheRmg


$SAND将允许玩家在沙盒The Sandbox 虚拟世界游戏平台上创建、拥有、治理、交易和赚取资产。在整个沙盒The Sandbox 虚拟宇宙中使用的都是ERC-20代币。


$SAND代币在 The Sandbox 平台的用途:






我们的LAND代币是The Sandbox虚拟世界中的虚拟地产。LAND的数量有限,总计166,464个,每一块都是独立的区域。玩家可以创造、拥有自己的LAND,也能公开自己LAND的游戏体验。玩家也可以经由虚拟地图来访问具体的LAND并参观房屋还有地标建筑,而这将会是游戏的重要玩点之一,也是游戏经济机制和对外表现的要点之一。LAND是用户在该平台中赚取利润的重要方式。Sandbox致力于创建一个所有玩家、创造者、土地所有者、管理员以及投资者都能利益一致的生态系统。



In the blockchain game industry, what do you think of the current state? What do you think that needs to be improved?





The Sandbox is a pioneer in the space of blockchain gaming, NFTs and true digital ownership - we have been really pushing forward the industry and awareness in general


I think we are only surfacing the possibilities with NFTs. NFTs can be used in many ways, beyond Games, such as Art, Tickets, Proof of Ownership, Access system, and more.


But with games, it is easy to understand and visualize the benefits. Billions of gamers have been used to free-to-play model where they purchase virtual items, but they can’t transfer them.


We are indeed excited to see the recent growth in the NFT space in terms of user adoption in games or interest in NFT and NFT trading. This growth has been essentially driven by the beta launch of several games on market this year, after several years of development – as it takes years to build good games (even without blockchain): NBA Top Shot, Gods Unchained, Axie Infinity, Blankos among others.


Also, there has been a growing interest in crypto art and collectibles arts tokenized as NFTs, through platforms like Rarible, SuperRare, Nifty Gateway etc


The Sandbox has established itself among the top NFT Makers and one of the most anticipated projects this year, with over $1.75M worth of NFTs sold this year, ahead of its public beta launch scheduled for December.


We’re also seeing now a natural move of NFT platforms that have a utility token associated with them, which enables their community of players and creators to participate in the success of the platform


If I may summarize The Sandbox, it would be

- Make NFTs with VoxEdit #Voxels

- Sell and Trade them on our #Marketplace

- Create fun games with our #GameMaker

- Play, Stake & Earn $SAND #Crypto


We think the the future for UGC games is 100% owned by players #NFTs.


The community of players, creators, artists, land owners, $SAND holders are all stakeholders and they are directly being rewarded for their contribution to the growth of The Sandbox ecosystem. Their interests and our interests are aligned, and we are always thinking users-first. This is a very community-driven approach.


And we are looking further in the future in development in NFT liquidity mining pool, NFT Fractional Ownership, NFT sharding and Social Money.


沙盒(Sandbox)是区块链游戏,NFT和真正的数字所有权领域的先驱者 - 我们一直在推动整个行业和整体意识




但是通过游戏,很容易理解和可视化。 上亿玩家已经习惯了免费游戏模式来获得虚拟物品,但是他们无法转让它们。


对于用户在游戏中的接受度或对NFT和NFT交易的兴趣,我们确实很高兴看到NFT领域的最新发展。 经过几年的发展,今年的增长主要是由数款游戏在市场上的Beta发布推动的,这是经过数年的开发后才能完成的(因为即使没有区块链,也要花好几年的时间才能打造出优秀的游戏:NBA顶级射手,Gods Unchained,Axie Infinity和Blankos等等) 。


此外,通过诸如Rarible,SuperRare,Nifty Gateway等平台,对以NFT代币化的加密艺术和收藏艺术也越来越多人感兴趣。







- 使用VoxEdit #Voxels 创作NFT

- 在我们的 #Marketplace 市场上自由买卖  

- 使用我们的 #GameMaker 创建有趣的游戏

- 玩,质押和赚取 $SAND #Crypto


我们认为UGC游戏的未来是100%由玩家拥有的 #NFT.


玩家,创造者,艺术家,土地所有者,SAND持有者的社区都是利益相关者,他们对沙盒生态系统的增长做出的贡献而直接得到回报。 他们的利益和我们的利益是一致的,我们始终以用户为先。这是一种由社区推动的生态系统。





How does the SAND team plan to tackle these issues to reach mass adoption? Let's start with your point?





Well, The Sandbox team has already proven his capacity to reach out to main stream audience and we will be accelerating this in 2021.


We have brought thousands of artists to blockchain, crypto and NFTs through our 3D free animation software, Voxedit, now hundreds of them have created 4,500 models ready to use for our Game Maker and beyond.


We have 60 partners, including major IPs: The Smurfs, Care Bears, Shaun the Sheep, Atari, Rollercoaster Tycoon and more are incoming -- bigger ones!


We brought NFTs and blockchain first to them and now their fans can enjoy creating games with their favorite content and collecting NFTs in The Sandbox.


We have launched the largest Learn & Earn campaign to date in partnership with CoinMarketCap where over 40,000 unique users have been onboarded to the benefits of NFTs

and $SAND tokens.




We have launched Game Jams, the Game Makers Fund and the Creators Fund supported by our Foundation which is distributing SAND tokens to incentivize high quality content production as content plays a key role in our platform.


Now we have over 20 high quality games being produced by teams and studios to be available once we open The Sandbox to the public for players this year.


We are propsoing a Play-to-earn model where players will be able to earn SAND and tokens through playing, without any purchase requirement turning their play time into revenue as resources and NFTs can be traded.

We have already changed the lives of dozens of creators around the world and published their interviews.








As you can see, we have put a lot of effort and will continue through partnership, gaming, IPs and brands, play to earn.






我们有60个合作伙伴,其中主要的IP包括:The Smurfs, Care Bears, Shaun the Sheep, Atari, Rollercoaster Tycoon以及更多的合作伙伴!


我们首先为他们带来了NFT和区块链,他们的粉丝可以用自己喜欢的内容制作游戏并在The Sandbox中收集NFT的乐趣。






在基金会的支持下,我们启动了Game Jams,Game Makers Fund和Creators Fund。该基金会正在发放SAND以激励高质量内容的生产。因为平台内容至关重要。

















It sounds like the team is building something unique and special. Can you introduce the core team members of SAND? We hear the team is highly experienced, can we get some examples?





The core team of The Sandbox has individually more than 10 years of experience in game industry and creating games that live for years with millions of players.




The Sandbox team has grown recently to almost 100 members, as we're expanding our operations globally.


And we ave bring more man-power into our key products: Game Maker, Game Client and NFTs.


The Sandbox核心团队在游戏行业拥有10多年的经验,并创建了很多游戏,拥有数百万玩家。









What is your timeline, and what can we look forward to from SAND?





We do believe millions of players are interested in exploring the benefits of decentralization, interoperability, and the creator's ecosystem.


We do have local communities that we are growing as we speak; Korean, Chinese, Turkish, Vietnamese, Spanish, Indonesian, French, Thai, Filipino, Italian and so on! We are constantly growing.


China is a very important market for us.


We are creating an appealing gaming metaverse that aims at attracting all types of people: young & old players, casual & pro gamers, newbie creators & professional artists.


Making a game that is fun, visually appealing and has good mechanics so you want to stay and keep playing it for a long time is our priority.


Players will not come for the technology, but for the fun and the experience. Then they can benefit from the advantages offered by our decentralized model, collecting tokens, earning rewards and being able to trade game items, their creations, lands etc.


Then, besides make a great game - we have a clear growth strategy, based on

- Partnering with content companies to onboard well-known IPs.

- Conducting LAND token sales to promote the generation of user-created content.

- Conducting AMAs to educate the community.

- Constantly engaging with the public on social media channels.

- Marketing and User Acquisition to gamers, which we have experience with since we have been 8. years in the industry of games.


Through the brands and their fans, we can reach mainstream gamers and creators through their favorite brands.


Bring leading gaming Brands & IPs and leverage on those key brands building great experiences as well as trust.


























Thank you, Sebastien Borget, for taking the time to do this AMA with us today. It has been great learning more about SAND and the team behind it!


再次感谢Sebastien Borget!谢谢你参与我们今天的AMA直播。了解到SAND及其团队背后信息,是一件值得让人开心的事!


A:Thank you as well!It‘s been a pleasure to share about our latest progress updates and introduce The Sandbox to XT.com community.




