
1308 天前




Judy:Please briefly introduce Verasity (VRA). What is its core business logic?



RJ Mark:Verasity’s mission is to significantly increase advertising revenues for video publishers - no matter on which video platform.

The Size of the Market & the Problem


Digital advertising spend worldwide (outside of China) was $325B in 2019, fell offdue to Covid in 2020 but is still on track to reach $389B in 2021. By 2024,advertising spend will be over $525B. This growth of 7-10% per year includesboth desktop and mobile devices. Of this more than two thirds in 2020 - $147Bto Google and $84B to Facebook - went to the two largest video platforms. 



Yet, there are over 2 million non YouTube videopublishers that rely on video ads for 66% of their revenues and their CPMs (Cost per thousand impressions)are less than $10/CPM or $.01 per view. So a publisher that shows 1 millionviews gets $10k. There are not a lot of video publishers that have millions ofviewers per month so to monetize with ads is extremely difficult and as aresult video publishers struggle to survive. 


Not to mention 50M YouTube video contentcreators that receive a part of AdSense - If you earned an estimated $180 from 45,000 ad impressions, your ad RPM (revenue per thousand)would equal ($180 / 45,000) * 1000, or $4.00. Google made closer to $20 CPMs!. 

更不用说收到一部分的用YouTube视频内容创作者——如果你从45000个广告印象中获得了180美元的估计收入,那么你的广告RPM(每千人收入)将等于(180美元/45000)。* 1000元,即 4 元。谷歌赚了接近 20 美元/CPMs!

Advertisingspend in China is expected to reach 7.5B in 2021and growing at 5.3% to $9.3B by 2025. Iqiyi, Youku, Bilibili, Xigua, Douyin andTencent controlmost of the market in the same way YouTube and FBcontrol the markets in the West.



Judy:How does Verasity execute on its Mission?



RJ Mark:Through its Platforms, Products & Technology 


VRA Rewards - Product Layer - Available 

Proprietary Video Player - Product Layer - Q1 

Proprietary Adstack - Product Layer - Q1  

Proof of View (Patent Allowed 16/023,354) - Protocol Layer - ERC777 Beta Q1

Verasity is the only company in the world tohave a patent granted for a blockchain protocol layer application.

VeraWallet - Product Layer Payment System

平台、产品和技术/VRA 奖励-产品层-可实用领域/专有视频播放器-产品层-第一季度/专有Adstack -产品层-第一季度/视图证明-专利#10956931-协议层-测试版Q1

Verasity 是全球唯一一家获得区块链协议层应用专利授权的公司。

Vera Wallet-产品层支付系统


Judy:Do you have any Use Cases?



RJ Mark:Use Cases - Esports Platform and Video Publisher owned byVerasity

This is Verasity’s most important use casebecause it combines all of the products into one Esports platform that Verasity owns, controls and can upgrade at will to achieve:

·        Adoption because of the growth of Esports to over 650M viewers

·        Scale because of the Platform, Esports adoption and Verasity marketing & Tournaments

·        Scale through Esports partnerships

·        Hybrid payment systems integration with PayPal, Stripe and VeraWallet

·        Integration of all Verasity products on oneplatformcontrolled by Verasity

·        Proof of monetization increase by utilizing ALL the Verasityproducts on one platform

·        Profitability for Verasity on this B2C Esports Fight Club video platform - Aggregator of Publishers owned by Verasity provided third party publishers withthe ability to beta test Verasity Rewarded Video and to integrate the technology on their sites.


Verasity’s first Product Layer was VRA rewarded videoreleased in May 2019 utilizing an SDK which can be used by any publisher with the following videoplayers: YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo, JWPlayer, Brightcove, VideoJS, Kaltura, FlowPlayer, iVideoSmart and others (90% of all video players in theWest).


The proof of concept of rewarded video providedimportant metrics about interactive rewards and how they improve both engagement and admonetization as well as meet the international standard necessary to integrate into the programmatic adnetwork ecosystem. Utilizing the Verasity video rewarded technology, most video publishers tested saw:

·        18% increase in videos watched

·        30% increase in total watch time

·        With the values persisting through the testingperiod电子竞技平台和视频出版商所拥有的 Verasity,这是 Verasity 最重要的用例,因为它将所有的产品组合成一个电子竞技平台, Verasity 拥有、控制并可以随意升级,以实现:通过,因为电子竞技的增长超过6.5亿观众,通过与腾讯、 Valve 、暴雪等公司 合作扩大规模,在上一届我们与腾讯合作举办的大型赛事中,PUB GM 的赛事成功已经吸引了超过 860 万观众。

在 Verasity 控制的一个平台上集成所有 Verasi ty 产品,B2C电子竞技竞技俱乐部视频平台的盈利能力,我们还拥有 Verasity . tv Ver asity . tv -出版商聚合器,Vera sity 的第一个产品层是VRA 奖励视频发布于 2019 年 5 月,使用SDK它可以用于任何出版商与以下视频播放器:YouTube , Twitch , Vimeo , JWPlayer , Bright cove ,视频 JS , Kal tura , Flow Player , i Video Smart 和其他( 90 %的所有视频播放在西方)。


观看的视频增加 18 %




Judy:So you have an esports platform as a use case for business to consumer. That suggests you have a B2B use case as well?


RJ Mark:B2Bproducts to be rolled out 


·        SDK rewarded video add-on for any video platform - Available now

·        Proprietary Video Player - As a module for third parties in Q2

·        Proprietary ad stack ad-on for any video platform - As a modulefor third parties in Q2

·        Proof of View ad-on for any ad stack - As a module for thirdparties in Q4


In the second half of 2021, Verasity will set upa B2B sales force to license its technology to large third party videoplatforms that need to improve viewer engagement and ad monetization. 

Basedon our experience to date, rewarded video will increase publisher engagementand ad monetization by approximately 30% and Proof of View is estimated toincrease CPMs five fold. So a video publisher today who receives $10 CPMs couldget as much as $65 CPMs utilizing the Verasity tech. Verasity will charge a CPMlicense fee for the use of its technology which could be considerable giventhe problem that Verasity is solving for publishers.

SDK 可以在任何视频平台的视频附加组件上添加,并由发行商在 verasity . tv 上使用,以从广告中获得更多的参与度和货币化。

这些 B2B 产品也将在本月底推出,专有视频播放器-作为第二季度第三方的模块




B2B 商业模式:根据我们迄今为止的经验,有报酬的视频将增加约 30 %的出版商参与度和广告货币化,利用 Verasity的技术今天一个视频出版商CPMs可以拿到 65 美元CPMs。Verasity 将为其技术的使用收取 CPM 许可费,鉴于 Verasi ty正在为出版商解决的问题,这可能是相当可观的。


Judy:What is the economic model of VRA? 



RJ Mark:Verasity Revenues

Verasity makes moneyfrom it Esports platform through subscriptions, commissions on prize pools,video ad revenues and transaction fees using Verasity products. Just on theEsports platform Verasity is already making money. At thelast large Tournament over 8.6M viewers came to see the event online.  ARevenues forecast for the B2B business will be published in the second half of2021 and given the recent patent acceptance for Proof of View the revenues willbe considerable. So the use case makes money and the roll out of the B2Bbusiness will make even more money at scale.

Verasity 通过订阅、奖池佣金、视频广告收入和使用 Verasity 产品的交易费用从电子竞技平台赚钱。在电子竞技平台上,Verasity 已经开始盈利了。

所以案例是赚钱的, B2B 业务发展出去后在规模上会更赚钱。


Judy:Since 2017, there have been many streaming media projects combined with blockchain technology, but they went silent in the end. What is the reason? What caused it?



RJ Mark:Twitter users will not choose other social platforms, and YouTube users are also unwilling to change to other platforms.

众所周知, YouTube 用户或其他平台的用户不会改变他们的习惯,出版商也不会更改他们的工作流程。



Judy:At present, most Internet applications form user barriers through network effects. For example, Twitter users will not choose other social platforms, and YouTube users are also unwilling to change to other platforms. 



RJ Mark:In our solution, we provide the tools and infrastructure for any video platform to utilize our products through an SDK or module on any video platform including YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, iVideoSmart and 90% of the video platforms. We will be working with Tencent and others to integrate our SDK solution for rewarded video into any video player in the world. This way people do not have to change their viewing habits and publishers don’t have to change their work flows.

在我们的解决方案中,我们为任何视频平台提供工具和基础设施,通过SDK或任何视频平台的模块,包括 YouTube , Vimeo , Twitch , i Video Smart 和 90 %的视频平台。



Judy:People use a streaming media product based on the content provided by the product itself and the product itself, rather than blockchain-based digital asset rewards. Otherwise, it is turning the cart before the horse. What do you think of this opinion?



RJ Mark:This is correct. You cannot change users habits or publishers work flows which is why Verasity provides a B2B solution that fits with any publisher so that users do not have to leave their platform, change their habits and the publisher does not have to change its work flow. This is the reason so many companies fail in with video sharing platforms. We dont compete with any of them. We provide the tools and infrastructure for third parties to provide our Rewarded video and other product. And we have our own stand-alone platform as a use case to show third parties that it increases their revenues and engagement without changing their work flows or user experience.  



我们为第三方提供工具和基础设施,以提供我们的奖励视频和其他产品。我们有自己独立的 平台作为用例,向第三方展示它在不改变他们的工作流程或用户体验的情况下增加了他们的收入和参与度。


Judy:What core technology does Verasity use to prevent content publishers from fraud? And to prevent users from fraud in order to get rewards for publishing and viewing? As we know, some other projects had such cases before their deaths.



RJ Mark:Verasity’s proprietary blockchain technology, Proof of View (PoV)™, ensures that videos (Content and Advertisements) viewed on the platform are real views that are verified by the community and recorded as immutable public records on the blockchain. Our patented technology (Patent Allowed 16/023,354) ensures that all views and associated audience metrics on Verasity are accurate, secure, real, and transparent. No more fake views, No more fraud!

Proof of View (PoV)™ unlocks the ability to derive the true value of content. Content is now surfaced based on its value to the audience.

All video views are assessed by our Proof of View (PoV)™ technology to ensure that they’re real and the video has been seen by a real person who is actually watching the content. You can read more on how PoV takes down fake views in our whitepaper. Once a view has been confirmed as legitimate it is then added to the Verasity Blockchain for 100% transparency.

By eliminating fake views, the Verasity ecosystem is able to fairly value content regardless of content type, audience demographic or a third party’s monetization strategy. For all our users, this means a better, fairer, and valuable platform. For Verasity it means substantially higher CPMs and monetization for its own platform and to sell the the PoV product to third for license fees. Proof of View is the ONLY Protocol Layer technology patented for the blockchain and Verasity is the owner of the patent.


Verasity 的专有区块链技术,视图证明( PoV ),这是专利确保在平台上观看的视频(内容和广告)是由社区验证的真实视图,并记录为区块链上不可更改的公共记录。

其目标是向全球 2百万 视频出版商提供模块化产品,以阻止欺诈行为,使他们能够赚取 4 倍于现在的利润。

出版商从使用我们的技术获得的额外利润中抽取 1 %的利润


Judy:What are the profit models of Verasity? In the paid advertising part, how to attract advertisers to pay on Verasity?



RJ Mark:Verasity now makes money from its Esports platform, through subscriptions, commissions on prize pools, videoad revenues and transaction fees using Verasity products. By having high valueesports tournaments (CSGO, Valoran, PUBG, LOL, etc.) that scale (in the lastlarge tournament we had 8.6m viewers), ad networks and sponsors advertise forthis valuable content with high CPMs. See our advertiserlist of 17 of the largest advertising networks including Google and Facebook:  


第二种方式正如我上面描述的,通过使用电子竞技平台,将我们的模块化产品销售给需要帮助的 2百万 视频平台,以打击广告欺诈,提高参与度和货币化。


Judy:What other core functions does Verasity have? Which user's pain points are hit by these functions?



RJ Mark:Platforms,Products & Technology include: 


VRA Rewards - Product Layer - Available 

Proprietary Video Player - Product Layer - Q1 

Proprietary Adstack - Product Layer - Q1  

Proof of View (Patent Allowed 16/023,354) - Protocol Layer - ERC777 Beta Q1

VeraWallet - Product Layer Payment System

Esports Platform:

·        Adoption because of the growth of Esports to over 650M viewers

·        Scale because of the Platform, Esports adoption and Verasity marketing & Tournaments

·        Scale through Esports partnerships

·        Hybrid payment systems integration with PayPal, Stripe and VeraWallet

·        Integration of all Verasity products on oneplatformcontrolled by Verasity

·        Proof of monetization increase by utilizing ALL the Verasityproducts on one platform

·        Profitability for Verasity on this B2C Esports Fight Club video platform


Usersare not impacted because they can watch tournaments on their favoriteplatforms, so therefore no pain to the users. Your platform provides anautomatic switch between video players so users can choose what they watch onany platform and still get rewards!




所以你可以在我们的比赛网站观看任何平台,但仍然使用我们的技术。在 YouTube 上可以用。你可以去 在 YouTube 播放器上观看并获得奖励。


VRA 奖励-产品层-可用


专有 Adstack -产品层-第一季度

视图证明(专利)-协议层-测试版 Q1

Vera Wallet -产品层支付系统


Judy:What project development has Verasity completed so far? What are the next plans?



RJ Mark:Verasity will have completed 90% ofits roadmap in this Q1 which can be found at  For more details of the items to be finishedplease see:


We are in the middle of a NorthAmerica Tournament on and you can see the Tournaments list here:

So to summarize Verasity has built anumber of products to improve publisher’s profitability by 5x utilizingVerasity’s Rewarded Product Layer, Proprietary Video Player, Proprietary adstack, Proof of View Protocol layer which is patented and as aProduct Layer Payment System.

Verasity has its own esports platformwhich it utilizes to test its products and achieve profitability. As productsare tested and put into production they are rolled out as modules for thirdparty publishers to utilize for a license fee paid to Verasity.


我们非常高兴地宣布, Verasity 已经完成了本季度 90 %的路线图,可以在 verasity . io 上找到

我们所有的主要产品的开发和投产,Proof View 是最后一个大的产品和协议层,测试将在本月底开始,并将持续到今年完成。

总的来说, Verasity 已经建立了一些产品,以提高出版商的盈利能力,通过 5 倍利用 Verasity 的奖励产品层,专有视频播放器,专有的广告堆栈,查看协议证明层是专利和 Verawallet . tv 作为产品层支付系统

Verasity 有自己的电子竞技平台,它利用测试其产品和实现盈利。随着产品被测试并投入生产,它们被作为模块推出,供第三方出版商使用,并向 Verasity 支付许可费。