MediBloc 开辟无限可能的医疗保健数据

1285 天前






Jenny:How does MediPass operate to realize insurance claims? Can you help us solve any problems encountered in claims settlement?  

MediPass如何实现保险索赔? 如何帮助我们解决索赔时遇到的任何问题吗?


Wookyun Kho:보험금 간편 청구라는 솔루션들은 많이 있습니다. 대리점에 찾아가거나, 팩스로만 청구할 수 있었던 때에 비하면 간편하긴 합니다. 하지만 오늘날 간편 청구는 여전히 서류를 병원에서 직접 출력하여야 하고, 서류를 직접 사진으로 촬영해서 앱에 올리는 등, 꽤 노력이 들어가는 일이죠. 다르게 표현하자면 병원에서 디지털(컴퓨터)로 생성된 진료내역이 다시 아날로그(종이)로, 그리고 보험 청구하기 위해 다시 디지털로 전환하는 방식이에요.

저희는 [디지털 – 아날로그 – 디지털] 의 불필요한 포맷 변화에 집중했습니다. 이 과정에서 발생하는 비효율을 해소하고자 한 것이에요. 블록체인으로 진료내역이 조작이나 왜곡되지 않은 진본임을 증명하고, 더불어 진료내역에 본인만 접근할 수 있는 솔루션을 구현해낸 것이죠. 데이터 전송 과정에서 필요한 신원인증도 블록체인기반 DID 기술을 활용해 해결함으로써 간편하고 빠르게 병원 방문없이, 그리고 종이 발급없이 보험 청구가 가능한 서비스를 구현했습니다.





There are multiple solutions for makingyour insurance claims easy. These days, it is much easier than before when youhad to go to the agency office or fax every documents. But still, it requires alot of effort as all the solutions out there require you to get all thedocuments from the hospital, take photos of those documents to upload themusing the app, etc. In other words, these methods require digital data(in thedatabase) from the hospitals to be converted to analog data(paper) andconverted once again to digital data for making the claims. 

We focused on this unnecessary format conversionfrom digital to analogue and again to digital. We wanted to solve thisinefficiency during the process. Using blockchain technology, our solution canguarantee the integrity of the medical billing data and only allow the rightindividual to the data. Simply put, Medipass is a medical data blockchainplatform that allows utilization of the data in the digital format.


Jenny:How many hospitals, insurance companies, and users are currently using MediPass?



Wookyun Kho:메디패스는 보험청구 서비스가 두 가지 있어요. 서류없이청구할수있는패스청구와사진을찍어청구할수있는패스청구입니다. 메디패스와연동된병원이라면서류발급없이패스청구를할수있고, 사진청구를하면한국에있는 40여개보험사모두에바로보험청구를할수있습니다.

현재 연동된 의료기관은 한국 대형병원인 삼성서울병원, 세브란스병원, 강남세브란스병원, 용인세브란스병원, 목포한국병원,서울대학교병원 6곳이에요. 그리고 이들 병원 연간 이용 환자수를 합치면 연간 약 580만 명에 이릅니다. 한국 전체 인구의 11%에요. 또, 조만간 한국정부에서 운영하는 공공의료기관의 연동도 앞두고 있어요. 보험청구는 거의 모든 보험사에 가능하지만 실제로 블록체인으로 연결된 곳은 아직 제한적입니다. 현재까지 연결 완료된 보험사는 삼성화재, 신한생명, 현대해상, KB손해보험으로 실손보험 시장 기준으로는 커버리지가 거의 50%에 달해 저희가 현재 시장 1위입니다. 메디패스와 병원 그리고 보험사의 연결은 적극적으로 진행되고 있고 올해 굉장히 빠르게 늘어날 예정입니다.

Medipass有两个保险理赔服务。如果您是与Medipass联动的医院,则可以直接向韩国的所有40家保险公司申请保险,而无需签发文件。目前关联的医疗机构是三星首尔医院,西富兰斯医院,江南西富兰斯医院,龙仁西富兰斯医院,木浦韩国医院和首尔国立大学六所医院。这些医院每年的患者数量约为580万。它是韩国总人口的11%。此外,在不久的将来,由韩国政府运营的公共医疗机构之间的联系也将向前发展。几乎所有保险公司都可以提出保险索赔,但实际上,区块链连接仍然受到限制。到目前为止,已合并的保险公司有三星消防和海洋保险,新韩人寿保险,现代海洋公司和KB保险,根据实际的保险市场,我们的覆盖率近50%,我们目前市场第一。 MediPass,医院和保险公司之间的联系正在积极发展,预计今年将迅速增长。


Medipass has. two insurance claims services. Those are 'Pass claim service?imageView2/3/w/750/h/1/q/100|imageslim">

Currently associated medical institutions are Samsung Seoul Hospital, 3 different Severance Hospitals, Seoul National University hospital, and Mokpo Hankuk Hospital - in total 6 big hospitals in Korea; 3 of these are actually among the 5 biggest. The annual number of patients in these hospitals is approximately 5.8million. It's roughly 11% of the total population of Korea. In addition, in the near future, one of the biggest government-operated public hospital will also be included. In terms of insurance companies, we cover almost all insurance companies, although number of companies linked with blockchain are limited.

So far, insurance companies connected through our blockchain include Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, Shinhan Life Insurance, Hyundai Marine Corporation and KB Insurance. According to the actual insurance market, our coverage rate is nearly 50%, and we are currently the number one in the market. The connection between MediPass, hospitals and insurance companies is actively developing and is expected to grow rapidly this year.


Jenny:What are the problems in the processing ofmedical information, and how can MediBloc improve these problems?



Wookyun Kho:민감한 개인정보인 의료정보와 관련된 강력한 규제 때문에 현재의 시스템으로는 병원 혹은 기관간 정보를 직접적으로 공유하고 통합하는 것이 불가능했습니다. 왜냐하면 의료 정보의 소유권 및 결정권은 법적으로 환자에게 귀속되기 때문에 제 3자인 기관이 개인의 의료정보를 마음대로 사용할 수 없기 때문입니다. 의료 데이터는 대한민국 뿐만 아니라 거의 모든 국가에서 진료를 받은 특정 의료기관에 보관되어 있고, 환자들은 이 데이터에 제대로 접근할 수 있는 시스템이 없는, 데이터 관리자(의료기관)와 데이터 소유자(결정권자, 환자)가 다른 상황 때문에 실제로 의료 데이터가 거의 사용되지 못하고 있습니다.

메디블록은 이같은 문제점을 해결하기 위해 우선 의료기관에 보관되어 있는 의료정보에 쉽고 빠르고 안전하게 환자들이 접근할 수 있는 솔루션을 공급하고 있습니다. 이를 통해 환자들은 자신의 본인의 판단하에 보험사를 비롯한 데이터를 필요로 하는 주체들에게 자신의 데이터를 손쉽게 제공할 수 있습니다. 그리고 이같은 데이터 접근, 활용을 담보하기 위해서는 신원 및 데이터 인증 과정이 필수적으로 요구되는데, 여기에 메디블록만의 블록체인 기술이 사용되고 있습니다. 이를 통해 다른 기관들은 할 수 없는 의료 데이터의 유통을 가능하게 합니다.



为了解决这个问题,MediBloc首先提供了一种解决方案,使患者能够轻松,快速,安全地访问存储在医疗机构中的医疗信息。通过这种方式,患者可以轻松地将自己的数据提供给保险公司和其他需要自行决定需要这些数据的实体。为了确保此类数据的访问和使用,身份和数据身份验证过程必不可少, MediBloc独特的区块链技术此时就发挥了作用。这解决了其他机构医疗数据一直无法解决的流通问题。


It has been impossible to exchange andutilize medical information for hospitals or institutions because medicalinformation is strictly regulated since it's a very sensitive privateinformation. This is because the ownership and decision-making rights ofmedical information belong to patients in law, so third-party organizationscannot use personal medical information without the consent from patients.


The existing medical record (EMR or EHR)system makes it difficult for individual patients ,not only stored in SouthKorea, but also in specific medical institutions in almost allcountries/regions, to access their medical data because the information iscentered around the needs of medical institution that has legal limitations insharing it with third parties.


To solve this problem, MediBloc firstprovides a solution that enables patients to easily, quickly and securelyaccess their own medical information stored in medical institutions. In thisway, patients can easily collect and utilize their information; for example,providing their data to insurance companies and other entities.

At the same time, in order to maintain thereliability and security of healthcare data, it is important for a serviceprovider like MediBloc to have a strong technology. MediBloc uses blockchaintechnology to tackle these challenges and create a truely consumer-driven(patient-driven) healthcare data ecosystem.


Jenny:Does the block chain technology which is MediBloc havethe support of government on medical and insurance industries?



Wookyun Kho:메디블록은 2017년 프로젝트를 시작한 후 많은 대형 의료기관, 보험사 그리고 정부기관들과 협업을 해왔으며, 이 과정에서 정부에서 많은 자금 지원을 받아왔습니다. 정부에서도 메디블록이 지향하는 '환자 중심의 의료 데이터 유통'의 필요성에 크게 공감하고 있으며, 이를 정책적으로 추진하기 위해 'MyHealthWay'라는 사업을 추진중에 있습니다. 메디블록은 이 사업의 전신인 'MyData' 사업에도 참여한 바가 있으며, 향후 이 'MyHealthWay' 사업이 본격화되면 당연히 이 사업에도 참여할 계획입니다.


自2017年启动该项目以来,MediBloc已与许多大型医疗机构,保险公司和政府机构合作,在此过程中,它已获得了政府的大量资助。 政府还非常同意MediBloc旨在“以患者为中心的医疗数据分发”的需求,并正在推行一项名为“ MyHealthWay”的项目以推广该政策。MediBloc还参与了该项目的前身“ MyData”项目,并且在将来这个“ MyHealthWay”项目全面建成时,当然也将参与该项目。


Since we started this MediBloc in 2017, wehave been cooperating with many large medical institutions, insurancecompanies, and government agencies, and in this process, we have receivedsubstantial amount of government funding.

The government strongly agrees withMediBloc's plan for "patient-centric health data exchange" and thegovernment itself is implementing a big nation-wide platform called"MyHealthWay" to accelerate this change. MediBloc has alsoparticipated in the "MyData" project, the predecessor of the project,and will of course also participate in the project when the"MyHealthWay" project is open in the future.


Jenny:How can MediBloc's tokens be obtained andwhat are the functions in the product?



Wookyun Kho:메디블록의 코인인 MED는 현재 다음 거래소들에 상장되어 있고 더 많은 사용자들이 접근할 수 있도록 더 많은 거래소에 상장할 계획입니다.

(1) Upbit

(2) BittrexInternational

(3)[](<>) :[<>](<>)

(4) Korbit

(5) Bithumb Singapore(Bitholic):[<>](<>)


현재 메디블록의 서비스 내에서 사용자가 직접적으로 MED를 사용하는 기능은 탑재되어 있지 않습니다. 하지만 의료정보를 의료기관에서 가져오고 활용하는 과정에서 신원 및 데이터 인증을 위해 서비스 레벨에서 MED를 수수료로 지불하며 메디블록의 블록체인인 Panacea에 Transaction을 남기고 있습니다. 서비스 성장과 더불어 이 수요는 빠르게 늘어나고 있는 상태입니다. 이에 소요되는 MED는 현재까지는 메디블록 프로젝트에서 지원하고 있지만, 서비스가 좀 더 성장하면 향후에는 시장에서 직접 구입해 지불하게 될 예정입니다. 더불어 메디패스 서비스에 향후 추가될 백신패스 서비스를 비롯해 다양한 건강정보 기반의 서비스들중 일부는 '유료'로 제공될 예정인데, 해당 서비스 이용에 MED를 이용할 수 있도록 할 예정입니다.


이와 더불어 MED의 활용 전반에 대해 답변 드리면 다음과 같습니다.


토큰(또는 cryptocurrency)이라고 하는 것의 기본 'use case'는 해당 토큰을 베이스로 하는 네트워크의 기여자들에게 제공하는 '보상 수단'이자 해당 네트워크를 사용하기 위한 '수수료 지불 수단' 입니다.


비트코인 네트워크에서는 비트코인을, 이더리움 네트워크에서는 이더리움을 속칭 '채굴자'들에게 네트워크에 기여하는 '물리적 자원'에 비례해서 '보상'으로 제공하고 있습니다.


이는 크게는 2개로 나뉘는데 1) 블록 생성 보상과 2) 이체(거래기록 생성) 수수료의 조합입니다.


메디블록의 패너시아 네트워크에서도 이와 동일한 원리가 적용됩니다.


메디토큰(MED)은 패너시아 네트워크를 사용하기 위해 사용자가 마땅히 지불해야 하는 수수료 지불 수단이자 참여하는 Validator에게 주어지는 블록 생성 보상입니다. 아직까지는 validator라 public에 오픈되어 있지 않지만 연내 오픈될 예정으로 그렇게 되면 일반 토큰 홀더분들도 delegation을 통해 staking에 참여함으로써 extra reward를 얻으실 수 있습니다.


메디토큰의 사용처는 기본적으로 위와 같지만 이게 다는 아닙니다.

크게 나눠보자면 세 가지 정도를 더 꼽을수 있는데 이는 다음과 같습니다.


1. 가치 지불 수단


- 이는 다른 모든 가상자산들이 사용성의 정도 차이만 있을뿐 동일한 부분이라고 볼 수 있습니다.

- 일정 이상의 시장 유동성만 있다면 'cryptocurrency => fiat'으로의 변환을 매개해주는 중개 서비스를 통해 어렵지 않게 이같은 서비스를 제공할 수 있습니다.


2. 패너시아 네트워크를 사용하는 서비스 이용 토큰


- 패너시아 네트워크를 기반으로 운용되는 다양한 서비스를 사용하기 위한 utility token으로써의 사용입니다.

- 단순 비용지불 차원이 아니라 해당 서비스들이 제공하는 '유니크'한 서비스에 접근하기 위한 토큰(내지는 입장권과 같은 형태)으로써의 기능을 의미합니다.

- 현재는 사용자 층을 넓히기 위해 무료로 서비스를 제공하고 있거나 유니크한 서비스를 오픈하고 있지 않은 부분들이 있는데, 점차 관련 서비스 영역을 넓혀 나가면서 향후 의료 서비스 영역에서 큰 역할을 할것으로 기대됩니다.


3. 생태계 기여자들에게 주어지는 보상 지불 수단


- 메디블록이 그리는 환자중심의 의료정보 유통 플랫폼 생태계의 기여자는 'validator'만 있는것이 아닙니다.

- 이들은 신뢰 네트워크의 기반이 되는 패너시아의 기여자이지만 의료정보 유통만을 놓고 봤을때는 직접적인 기여자라고 볼 수 없습니다.

- 저희가 정의하는 직접적인 기여자는 크게 두 그룹으로 나뉘는데,1) 환자 (의료 서비스 소비자)그리고 2) 의료기관 또는 의료인 (의료 서비스 공급자)입니다.

- 새로이 만들어지는 정보 유통 네트워크의 참여자들을 적극적으로 참여시키기 위해서는 첫째로는 관련 서비스가 가치있는 서비스여야 하고,

- 이를 더욱 증폭시키는 방법으로 네트워크 참여로 인해 만들어지는 가치를 참여자들이 '공유'할 수 있도록 '이해관계를 일치시키는 것'이라고 생각합니다.

- 그리고 이를 달성하는 효과적인 방법이 자체 토큰인 MED를 '이해관계 일치'를 위해 사용하는 것입니다.


2번 사항(메디블록의 서비스들만이 제공할 수 있는 특별한 기능들)에 대해서는 아직 대외비인 부분들이 많아 다 공유를 드릴수는 없습니다만 패너시아 네트워크만이 줄 수 있는 의료서비스에 특화된 기능들이 지속적으로 만들어질 예정으로,이에따라 토큰 사용성은 지속적으로 확장될것으로 생각합니다.



(1) Upbit

(2) BittrexInternational

(3)[](<>) :[<>](<>)

(4) Korbit

(5) Bithumb Singapore(Bitholic) :[<>](<>)



当前,用户无法在MediBloc的服务中直接使用MED。但是,在从医疗机构导入和使用医疗信息的过程中,将在身份识别和数据认证的服务级别上可以用MED支付手续费,并且将交易留在MediBloc的区块链Panacea上。随着服务的增长,这种需求正在迅速增长。 MediBloc项目目前支持为此所需的MED,但是随着服务的进一步发展,将来将直接从市场购买和付款。此外,将提供一些基于健康信息的服务,其中包括将来将添加到MediPass服务中的Vaccine Pass服务,而MED将可用于使用该服务。









Medi Coin(MED)是用户应付费使用Panacea网络并向参与的验证者提供区块生成奖励的一种付费方式。由于它是一个验证者,它尚未对公众开放,但预计将在一年内开放,如果发生这种情况,普通代币持有者也可以通过参与授权来获得额外的奖励。













-这不是简单的费用支付手段,而是一种用于访问 “独特”服务的代币(或者入场券功能)。





-“ Validator”不是MediBloc绘制的以患者为中心的医疗信息分发平台生态系统的唯一贡献者。







对于第2项(只有MediBloc服务可以提供的特殊功能),仍然有很多机密部分,因此我们无法共享它们,但是将继续创建仅Panacea网络可以提供的专门用于医疗服务的功能 ,并且我们相信代币的可用性将继续相应地扩展。


Except through exchanges, we don't providea way to obtain our token at the moment.


In terms of functions, users(patients)cannot directly use MED in MediBloc's services for now. However, in the processof importing and using medical information from medical institutions, MEDs arecurrently used to pay for the identification and data authentication service,and the transaction will be left on the MediBloc blockchain Panacea. With thegrowth of services, this demand is growing rapidly.


The MediBloc project pays the MED neededfor this as a promotion, but with the further development of the services ontop of Medibloc's blockchain platform, service providers will need to purchaseour token by themselves to pay the fee in the future. In addition, someservices based on health information will be provided, including the VaccinePass service that will be added to the MediPass service in the near future, andMED will be consumed for this.

In addition, the following is the verybasic use case of of MED:

MED can be used to use the network's"means of payment" and "rewards" for network contributors.

Generally speaking, rewards are dividedinto two parts, which are 1) block creation reward and 2) transfer (transactionrecord generation) fee and handling fee. Same as Bitcoin and Ethereum.


The same principle applies to MediBloc'sPanacea network.


MED is a payment method in which usersshould pay to use the Panacea network and provide block creation rewards toparticipating validators. Validator feature is not yet open to the public, butit is expected to be open in this year. If this happens, ordinary token holderscan also get additional rewards by delegation(staking).


The usage of MED is basically as Iexplained above, but this is not all.


1. Payment method

 -This can be seen as much the same as all other cryptocurrencies.

If the market liquidity exceeds a certainlevel, the intermediary can be converted to "cryptocurrency => legaltender" through the intermediary service, and this service can be providedwithout difficulty.


2. Use as a utility token for services ontop of the Panacea network

- This is more like a ticket required toaccess our "unique" services.

At the moment, most services are providedfor free to expand the user base, but with the gradual expansion of relatedservice fields, the actual transaction will be increased a lot. I believe thatwe will see this change in this year.


3. Reward methods for ecosystemcontributors

- "Validator" is not the onlycontributor to the patient-centric medical information exchange platform builtby MediBloc.

- End users(patients) and medicalprofessionals(data provider) are also big contributors of Panacea.

- In order for participants to activelyparticipate in the newly created information distribution network, first ofall, related services must be valuable services.

- As a way to further amplify this point, Ithink there MUST be some 'interest alignment', so that participants can"share" the value created by making contributions.

- An effective way to achieve this goal isto use our own token MED to obtain "mutual benefits".


For item 2 (usage as an utility token), Ican't really share all our plans in this AMA, but we will continue to createfunctions dedicated to medical services that can be provided only in Panaceanetwork. And I believe that our network value will be captured by our token.

Jenny:What plans does MediBloc have in the Chinese market? 


Wookyun Kho:메디블록은 글로벌 프로젝트로 현재는 주로 대한민국 내에서만 서비스가 이루어지고 있습니다만 중국의 경우에는 이미 기존에 서비스 공급 계약을 체결한 바가 있습니다. 2019년 9월, 메디블록은 자체 개발한 블록체인 기술을 활용한 치과검진센터 솔루션을 중국 하얼빈시 제2병원에 공급하는 계약을 체결한 바가 있습니다. 이 계약은 2020년부터 5년간 인건비, 운영, 컨설팅비 등의 지원을 포함해 총 연간 20억 원 규모의 운영예산이 투입되는 단일 의료기관 단위에서는 상당히 큰 계약건이었습니다. 특히, 해당 계약은 하얼빈시, 중국 하얼빈 위생 건강위원회 및 하얼빈시 제2 병원과 함께 하는 한·중 민관 의료협력의 성과입니다. 하지만 갑작스레 발생한 코로나 사태로 인해 해당 프로젝트는 잠정 중단된 상태로, 코로나 사태가 진정되면 아마도 2021년 말이나 2022년도에 다시 재개될 예정입니다.

중국 내에서 메디블록의 블록체인 플랫폼과 토큰을 활용한 서비스를 운영하는 것과 별개로 더 많은 중국 암호화폐 투자자들이 MED에 접근할 수 있도록 대형 거래소 상장을 적극적으로 추진하고 있고, 연내에 많은 성과를 보여드릴 수 있을 것으로 기대됩니다.


MediBloc是一个全球项目,目前主要在韩国提供服务,但在中国,已经签署了服务供应合同。 2019年9月,MediBloc签署了一项合同,向中国哈尔滨第二医院提供使用自主开发的区块链技术的牙科检查中心解决方案。该合同是作为单一医疗机构的非常大的合同,年度总运营预算为20亿韩元,包括从2020年开始的5年内的人工,运营和咨询费用支持。特别值得一提的是,该合同是韩中与哈尔滨市,中国哈尔滨市卫生与健康委员会以及哈尔滨市第二医院的公私医疗合作的结果。但是,由于突然的新冠疫情危机,该项目已暂时暂停,如果疫情过去,该项目可能会在2021年末或2022年恢复。



MediBloc is a global project that currentlyprovides services mainly in South Korea, but in China, we actually made aservice supply contract in the past. In September 2019, MediBloc signed acontract to provide a solution for dental examination center to Harbin SecondHospital in China. The contract is a very large contract in its kind; a totalannual operating budget was almost 11,640,000 CNY and this contract was for 5years starting from 2020.

I think it is worth mentioning that thiscontract was the result of public-private medical cooperation between SouthKorea and China. Harbin City counsel, China's Harbin Municipal Health andHealth Commission, and Harbin No. 2 Hospital participated in this contract.However, due to the sudden COVID-19 crisis, the project has been temporarilysuspended. If the pandemic passes, the project may resume in late 2021 or 2022.

In addition to operating MediBloc'sblockchain platform and token-based services in China, we are also activelytrying for large exchange listing to enable more Chinese cryptocurrencyinvestors to have an access to MED.